I have a motorola running LineageOS and it’s available on mine. Seems like a relatively standard option, though it may need to be enabled under Settings -> System -> Buttons (or whatever it looks like on your flavor of android).
Just a note - most LineageOS installs aren’t secure unless you re-lock the bootloader, as data can be extracted with some fairly standard mobile phone forensics kits. Unfortunately, not many devices support bootloader re-lock. The Google Pixel series is a notable exception.
Ideally, you would want a security hardened Android OS like GrapheneOS. Graphene only runs on Pixels as the development team specifically disallows it running on hardware with an unlocked bootloader for security reasons.
IIRC, you have to enable it on some versions of Android. I don’t see the option to disable it on my Android 15 phone but I do recall having to enable it before on older versions. A quick Google search for your version should help.
“on Android” is a mostly useless statement. There are many flavours of it and they do not all behave the same. My phone does not have this.
Your biometrics work the first time you log in after a restart? That seems insecure to me.
That’s not what was suggested.
Oh yeah my bad, I read “lockdown” and “shutdown” lol
I should have been more specific that this was a Pixel. Does your phone have a way to accomplish the same thing?
Restarting should also disable biometrics until you put a pin in once
I have a motorola running LineageOS and it’s available on mine. Seems like a relatively standard option, though it may need to be enabled under Settings -> System -> Buttons (or whatever it looks like on your flavor of android).
Just a note - most LineageOS installs aren’t secure unless you re-lock the bootloader, as data can be extracted with some fairly standard mobile phone forensics kits. Unfortunately, not many devices support bootloader re-lock. The Google Pixel series is a notable exception.
Ideally, you would want a security hardened Android OS like GrapheneOS. Graphene only runs on Pixels as the development team specifically disallows it running on hardware with an unlocked bootloader for security reasons.
IIRC, you have to enable it on some versions of Android. I don’t see the option to disable it on my Android 15 phone but I do recall having to enable it before on older versions. A quick Google search for your version should help.
Negative, it is not available on my OS.
Lmao who downvoted me cause my phone OS doesn’t have a feature? Wild.