zkrzsz [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2022


  • It sounds fake if you only read the first sentence that started with “As a Chinese person…”. If you keep reading on and still think propaganda then picard


    As a Chinese person, I can share my own observations from both online and real life:

    LGBTQ+ There is almost no public promotion of LGBTQ+ issues in China. LGBTQ+ individuals are not considered a >mainstream group, and most people are indifferent to them. Online, many references to LGBTQ+ are just jokes >or memes meant to entertain, not necessarily to mock the community. For instance, phrases like “Bro, you smell >so good” are popular online jokes. In real life, if you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, it doesn’t really matter >to most people; everyone has their own life. However, if LGBTQ+ individuals try to date heterosexuals, it usually >leads to discomfort. If a child wants to identify as LGBTQ+, it depends on their parents, and most parents do not >approve. Also, since LGBTQ+ concepts are seen as coming from Western countries, some LGBTQ+ individuals >who are perceived as overly admiring Western culture can face backlash. Chinese public opinion generally >acknowledges heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, but concepts like “72 genders” and “gender >fluidity” are seen as incomprehensible. Phrases like “My gender is an attack helicopter, and I want to screw a >tank” are commonly used to mock the plethora of gender identities in the West.

    Women’s Rights As a socialist country, women’s rights are well-protected in China. Prostitution is illegal (to combat human >trafficking). In stable government jobs, women make up a large proportion. However, there are some >peculiarities: women have maternity leave, and some declare pregnancy right after being hired to receive paid >maternity leave and then resign afterward. In government jobs, some women may claim they cannot handle the >workload and pass their responsibilities to male colleagues or other female colleagues, leading to a form of >hidden hiring discrimination in some companies and government units.

    Anti-Racism Chinese people generally focus on a person’s actions rather than their race. Discrimination tends to be based on >an individual’s behavior, regardless of skin color or ethnicity. Ethnic minorities in China receive preferential >treatment, with special funds to promote their traditional cultures and extra points on college entrance exams. >However, as the economic conditions of some minorities have become comparable to the Han majority, places >like Shandong are considering abolishing these extra points. Ethnic minorities like Tibetans and Mongolians also >have the option to take their college entrance exams in their native languages. During my university years, >Mongolian students often joked that they didn’t ride horses to school.

    Respect for Youth and the Elderly I don’t quite understand the concept of “respecting the youth.” Is it similar to bowing to someone in Japan? In >China, as the birthplace of Confucianism, respecting the elderly and caring for the young are considered >traditional virtues and are commonly practiced in daily life. However, due to the “Peng Yu case,” where a judge >asked, “If you didn’t knock the old person down, why did you help them up?” many people are now wary of >helping fallen elderly individuals for fear of being extorted (which has happened multiple times). Such >extortionists are referred to as “taking advantage of their old age.”

  • TL;DR: it came out that some devs of one of the biggest platforms in their respective space neglected to bring in some very basic functionality regarding the ability for users, mods, and admins to delete images that were uploaded. When a user asked about having this functionality, especially in the context of GDPR compliance, the devs acted like a bunch of entitled dicks, effectively bellowing at the person for daring to make such demands of their time.

    I generally think these guys are being a bunch of assholes.

    Software engineer full-time ~70k/year, lemmy dev 24k/year. You should look into the mirror.

    And it’s not that the devs won’t fix the issue but there are other issues with more priorities than this. Europe is not the only continent. So just like any other FOSS projects, wait for it or smash money if it’s really important or do it yourself.

    Btw based on Nutomic’s comment, it’s fixed next release if you bother to look before making 2 articles back to back.


    Unfortunately there was some miscommunication in this issue and we failed to get to the root cause. In fact the Lemmy backend has an option to delete all content when an account is deleted. This used to be the default behaviour but was changed in 0.19 so you need to set a parameter delete_content. We failed to add a checkbox for this parameter to lemmy-ui.

    However the checkbox is added now in #2385 and will be included in the next Lemmy release. Other frontends and clients may also need to adjust the delete_account api call.

  • From the blog

    Something that I notice said consistently by those who have little experience in Lemmy admin spaces is “why not just contribute then?”

    And the answer people try. And this happens. This unfortunately leads into the next point that is the developer teams behavior. As well, highlighted above in the blog post of that Lemmy user who unfortunately had to deal with devs behavior themselves.

    From https://programming.dev/post/5180682

    I will no longer be able to assist with development nor debugging actual issues with the software… Quite juvenile behavior from the devs. It stemmed from this issue where the devs continuously argued in public by opening and closing an issue. Anyway, thought I would keep y’all apprised of the situation, since these are the people maintaining the software you are currently using.

    Root issue: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/234

    1st snowe’s comment

    This is a really weird thing to have an argument about. Scheduling client side would be a nightmare, like how Microsoft Outlook handles emails where you schedule an email for the morning, close your laptop, and then the email doesn’t send because your laptop is asleep.

    But even then arguing about it through reopening and closing an issue is really weird. Leave the issue open, have a discussion, talk about the pros and cons of putting it in the software, and then make a decision with the community.

    2nd snowe’s comment

    And then marking the most relevant comment in the thread as off-topic. You’re really alienating your users and server admins with this. Have the discussion like adults.

    Full of smuglord . There’s hardly any arguing if you look at the timeline of the 2 devs’s comments. 7 days temp ban to chill looks ok to me.