I’m all for allowing your kid to access the groups that make them feel valued and included, but at this junction phones and social in school is more harmful than helpful.
In the article, they’re talking about how social media affects students both in and out of school. Phones should be allowed in school as long as it isn’t disruptive to other students. Banning phones will just make people hide them more, instead of more openly using them and allowing discussions about how it might be harming them. Using your phone in a way that might harm your education in class is usually a sign of disengagement, lack of interest, or apathy to education, whether or not you have a phone. If anything, those same students will just do more disruptive things (talking, moving around, etc.) Banning phones is merely banning a symptom of the problem. I’ve experienced this first hand. Classes with students who didn’t give a shit? They just kept to themselves on their phone. Classes with those same students that had phone buckets? I had to leave because of my sensory issues, they were that loud.
I’m all for allowing your kid to access the groups that make them feel valued and included, but at this junction phones and social in school is more harmful than helpful.
I strongly disagree. The people who really need their phones should have them. They shouldn’t be punished because of a crumbling education system failing other people. If a student is using their phone because they don’t want the education they’re being offered, that’s ultimately their decision, you can’t help students who don’t want to help themselves. Listening to those students and funding programs where they might actually be engaged would do much more than that. Practising moderation and restraint is also an incredibly important life skill to learn at an age like that. You can’t do that if not having your phone depends on external factors.
Most of the harm from social media happens outside of class anyways.
People in education have a tendency of blaming everybody but themselves. Slapping a band-aid on the system and staff that fails students is going to create more and more problems down the line, and won’t even help in the short term.
You missed the entire point of what I was saying.