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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Yeah sorry this isn’t molestation, this is how media works in a digital connected world. The fact the entertainment industry has been denying the realities of their industry for 50 some odd years causes some head-scratching takes, like an actress being “molested” by someone jerking off to her in a scene they didnt pay for. No, sorry lady, once you expose the flesh to the camera you relinquish the right to keep it to yourself.

    These stupid goddamn articles always trot out some actress or stagehand to humanize the ‘victims’ too, when its really just rich production companies losing money. Fuck everything about this.

  • Don’t be silly. Those comms are filled with people who could no longer stand reddit-brained commenters shouting all the pro-US propaganda.

    The belief that all political dissenters of the DNC are somehow trained or foolish monkeys tricked by the wiles of a foreign country is itself a powerful propaganda point. Now i don’t expect you to believe that just cuz i said it, but if i were right, what might such propaganda achieve? Does it perhaps cause you to consider all criticisms of the DNCs policies as “russian prop” and then not read more? If it does, is it a "thought terminating cliche? "

    After all, you believe it somehow (even though thinking through it would dismiss the idea as ridiculous) and i bet you’re a smart person generally.

    You might think I’m a ruskie no matter what but consider my POV. I left reddit because i couldn’t stand the politics there, only to have those politics follow me and scream that im some agiprop to fool them.

    No, no, i don’t want anything to do with the childish US-centric worldview of reddit. Its not about them cats, i did it for my sanity, cuz the shit redditors say hurts my soul. I leave to find people who think like i do only to have the most strident screamers follow me. No, screamers, you arent my target, you goldarn children are my endless headache

    I don’t want people to change their politics i want them to stop filling my feed and inbox with stupid bullshit.

  • But while you’ve eloquently pointed out the inherent flaw in the definitions we use in this discussion, i could use your same argument against you, reducing your argument to:

    “I don’t like this meme”

    Because memes, sayings, chants, etc exist to boil down a nuanced concept into a quick statement of belief, you could nitpick em, all of em all day, and while a little mental flaggelation is fun we’d have spent that day missing the point.

    Pedantica aside, do you disagree with the meaning behind the saying?

  • Cuz you asked me to talk you down here:

    If you expand upon the ‘trite’ phrase “theres no ethical consumption under capitalism” (which itself is talking about how capitalism as a system can not be ethical since any product you buy is owned by a company who “steals” most of the value the workers provide), there is also no ethical work.

    in other countries and historically in the us, unions sought not only fair wages and compensation but also representation at the Csuite. The ability to affect the policy of the company.

    But that’s long gone. How does one who hopes to work for a “ethical” company go about it? What is they are alright but one of their vendors is shitty? A company they choose to contact with? What if they merge with a shitty one 5 years after you start?

    I’m saying, if you want to be talked down, How is what you’re asking of people even possible? I can’t even keep track of who owns the food i buy anymore! Speaking of, these ethical workers are gone burn out studying unethical companies to work at, be sheltered by and buy food from. that reminds me that yeah, there’s the whole thing about people needing to work to eat.

    Don’t blame the little guy, they been using that trick to split us a loooong time. Blame them, those who have the power.