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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Even in that context it doesn’t make any sense. BC saw how badly the BC Liberals fucked everything up for a decade+ they were in power due to their corruption for corporate interests and kicked them to the curb. Now we have a government that is actually trying to fix important things like housing costs, healthcare, and the environment yet the people are saying "Nah, we would prefer what conservative governments in other provinces are doing to make services worse by privatizing them. "

    I get that people are unhappy with their decline of quality of life, but we know from looking elsewhere that a Conservative government is not the solution that helps most people.

  • I was thinking about this recently after a frustrating trip to a brick and mortar store that was missing the specific item I wanted to purchase which should have been easily available.

    Has it always been this bad and we just accepted it until Amazon came around and carried most everything, or have stores significantly reduced the inventory they carry to the point where they have become practically useless except as a showroom? It extends to things I only want to purchase in store. Why do clothing and shoe stores never have my size in stock of the item I want? Clothing has become so poor in quality (even expensive stuff) and I’m hard enough to fit that unless it is an item I already have and need to replace I only want to buy stuff I can try on first.

    As much as I’d like to avoid Amazon, the lack of inventory at other retailers really pushes me towards them. Why would I pay more for slow shipping from the East coast because the local store doesn’t carry anything when Amazon delivers in 1-2 days for free?

    I’ve also been really struggling recently when trying to buy items that are less than $15. Amazon often charges double what it should cost for the items, but at the same time, local stores don’t carry what I’m looking for. I can find it for the right price online, but then the shipping cost makes it more expensive than Amazon.