I can’t be the only one who like the picture, but have absolutely no idea what the headline means.
I can’t be the only one who like the picture, but have absolutely no idea what the headline means.
That’s more or less how I got my first job back in the 90s. A buddy and I started hanging out at the local computer store. We discovered Linux because we wanted to run an Amiga emulator and a little later when the store wanted to start as an ISP, this was the time of local/long distance calls, so local ISPs were a thing, we got hired and build it all from scratch. Radius server, smtpd etc. everything based on the standard *nix tools, except the customer db/app which we wrote ourselves. We both dropped out of computer science for this and now almost 30 years later neither of us finished school, but both still work in tech. These were the wild days of the young Internet and I doubt it’s something that would really work these days.
I compiled my first Linux kernel back in the mid 90s, mostly on 386 and Dec Alpha hardware, interesting enough both were not that much slower than what you mentioned, I think the alpha (a measly 21066) took about 40 minutes. If you had asked me back then, I’d probably have imagined a minute or two, 30 years later. Guess it says something about how much larger the Linux kernel has become.
I want to sit at a campfire, eat my bowl of chili, then curl up in my blanket under the stars and in the morning boil myself a nice pot of coffee.
You can keep the cow stuff though.
While that would be great, in reality because of YouTube’s recommendations, the ones most likely to watch this crap are the ones already drinking the kool-aid and thus upvoting.