Every time I have to do this I always go here. I can never remember the prefix suffix parts next time I do parameter substitution.
Every time I have to do this I always go here. I can never remember the prefix suffix parts next time I do parameter substitution.
But there not worried about foreign money influencing the campaign.
I still remember one of the senators helping regulate it thought the Internet was series of tubes. At least no one thought it was the spam in the can so I guess we came further.
New Moto: the women leave, the men are proud and the sheep are scared.
They are the party of greed hate and power. They think if they make enough they will be okay and couldn’t care about others once they have theirs.
The only thing we can do is boycott their donors and vote them out at every level of government.
Since most are brainwashed reasoning with them will fail. They need to be deprogrammed first which means removed from the influence of hate. I don’t see that happening in our current environment with all the media hate platforms.
Has anyone explored pulling accreditation from the schools?
You forgot no safer than a ford pinto.