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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024

  • The monstertruck comercial is for people in my life that I love. Also my own enjoyment.

    I don’t think people who crave high stimulation messaging, or enjoy pantomime or slapstick should be left to the mercy of profiteer programming. Just because I enjoy technical reading and essay style lectures doesn’t mean that works for everyone. I wouldn’t like to leave any neighbors behind.

    Not sure what works for you, internet stranger, but maybe it isn’t socratic dialogue.

    So. Yah, everything from my prior post is earnest and inclusive. Folx can fimd a better place any projected sarcasm or derision.

    on tumblr they say some of the reading comprehension is piss poor. (#iheardupissonthepoor)

    No one needs to thank me or like me, as long as I can have my equitable living rights, yah? so no sweat: keep the emotional labour.

  • people who have access to equitable righta and education (ie girls go to school, everyone has access to the economy and healthcare including sexual health) tend to self-regulate the population towards sustainable levels.

    Stupidity is created through systemic sexism, dumbification, and reinforcement of poverty.

    Baby booms happen when people don’t know how the world, including their bodies, work, and when uterus-havers are isolated and have control over their own life paths and bodies removed.

    the usa before women had equitable banking, voting, education, healthcare, and employment access is a fine example – there are plenty around the world.

    tl;dr overpopulation is an effect of discriminatory and oppressive environments and not a herreditary issue.

    we are born to a bellcurve of smartness; just a lot of people get it starved and beaten out of them and are put on the prison pipeline before they can figure out what’s going on.

    we’ve known this a long time but it’s hard to ‘sell’ to privledged people who didn’t have to think about it and don’t want to talk about reperations for redlining, boarding schools, etc… (good morning and welcome to the Blood Machine)

    can anyone write a monster truck ad version of my comment that is readable at a 3rd grade level, pls?

    also, it’s the power grip and reciprocity. that’s what makes us human.

  • good job recognizing your limitations. no use burning out. these things generally work best in baby steps over weeks. more like gardening than a ball game. (we can play ball games on breaks though, of course)

    honestly, the simple advice isn’t always easy. it’s just better than internment camps/prison expansion.

    I just get up in the morning because FOSS is beautiful.

    Thanks for engaging.

  • fortunately there is plenty of work to harness worry to usefulness. whatever your skills, I’m sure local chapters of progressive and human rights groups could appreciate the support. even just using whatever privledge you have to shut down racist or sexist jokes and denormalizing exclusive-supremacist comments and behavior helps hold the line.

    uh someone link those fight the altright videos ig. the lecture has already been done with cool production.

  • crossed a ripping point yes. so tactics change. it’s not too late as long as people are still alive. Like painting or sewing – we build on and salvage from mistakes. (see: transitional ethics, from social sciences)

    if you feel despair, seek community and feed your soul. Please do not comply in advance, internet friend!

    we survived the AIDs crisis by working and organizing by day, potlucking together, and partying and dancing to feed our spirits by night. (figurative, for our night owls and 3rd shifters.)

  • congrats: we have support roles. pestering you elected reps helps more than it seems. continuing to exist does spite the fasci agenda. starting or supporting an interest club or mutual aid group locally with pro diversity moderation just to connect and build community does A LOT.

    i can’t hit the street much anymore, but i can help neighbors and friends switch to FOSS, and i’m trying to put together enough garden in my limited space to undermine the grocery monopolies with fruit and seed sharing. there are lots of support activities needing doing :)

  • You’re stating something that people directly affected already know on a ‘waking up anxious about it’ basis. This may be interpreted as ‘failure to read the room’, ‘ignorance of history on the topic,’ or possibly ‘failure to identify on a human level in the face of minor differences.’ – all treatable, but unhelpful to people who are actively discusssing survival of self or preservation of self expression as a genaral liberty.

    tl;dr – you sound like an ignorant or selfish jerk, or a 13 yo who hasn’t had a thought of their own yet. Critical thinking and listening more are usually the cure #recoveredassholesanonymous

    also, for Us: running helps least on a social outcome level – better to use temporary evasion tactics and stay close or return to areas familiar enough to play gorilla tag. Duck and run, but also Hold the line.