• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I think the confusing part is that the rule is presented without the problem it solves.

    The problem is when you take two vectors in 3d and want to find the vector orthogonal (perpendicular) to both, you have 2 valid choices.

    The right hand rule is a way to pick the same one every time if you always label the two vectors you start with consistently i.e. make your thumb vector 1, pointer vector 2, then your middle finger points the direction of a perpendicular vector that matches the handedness of the hand you used.

    This matters anywhere a vector cross product is used in physics, like calculating what direction an electron feels force when moving through a magnetic field. The physics doesn’t change, but you’ll have negatives in different places when comparing results calculated with a right handed convention (coordinate system) with a left handed convention.

    When checking the handedness of your coordinate system, you point your thumb and pointer finger in the positive direction of any two dimensions then check if your middle finger points in the positive direction of the third dimension.

  • ChromeOS does this well because it’s android, a walled garden that users aren’t allowed to break. You can buy it at Walmart, and it works well.

    Other big “consumer” distro projects (Debian, Ubuntu, fedora, rhel, etc) are similar, especially if you’re installing stable releases on hardware that is supported.

    The question for me is what do users want their OS to do? My guess is internet, office, print, scan, photos, games, updates, and get out of the way. Almost all big distros will give you that experience already, as long as you don’t expect to play Windows games or pick a specialized gaming distro.

    Users who want to step outside using supported repos are back to googling for a solution when things are broken, and should see themselves as part of the tech-savvy group that need to fend for themselves.

  • For me it’s I can make Linux do this when I see another system perform well, in contrast with they took my vertical taskbar in windows 11 and I have to gut the system to get it back

    I do have to remind myself that I’m still used to living in a world where Linux enjoyed immunity to most “consumer” malware just because it wasn’t a popular desktop. Ultimately Linux is not more secure than any other system unless someone put in the work to make it that way.

  • For possibly more information on why the core is dumping (lol) try running jellyfin from the cli (probably just typing the path to the jellyfin executable and pressing enter)

    If nothing interesting is printed, try adding strace before the jellyfin executable (Google strace, it intercepts all system calls and logs them) if that doesn’t work tell strace to follow forks.

    Other than that you could start using binary debugging tools to see what shared libraries jellyfin is looking for? Maybe run it in gdb…

  • Parquet 4 eva

    Csv is for arcane software or if you don’t know where it’s going.

    Hdf5 is for Matlab interoperability

    Otherwise I use parquet (orc could also work, but I never actually use it). Sometimes parquet has problems with Pandas or polars but I’ve always been able to fix it by using pyarrow