Smart Switch needs drivers so it doesn’t run on Wine.
Smart Switch needs drivers so it doesn’t run on Wine.
Had to literally compile C code just to change my touchpad scroll speed.
I can change that by moving a slider in KDE Plasma System Settings
It may have estimated location data with IP from Wi-Fi. Location Services turns on GPS but that is not the only way of getting location.
Use a custom DNS and/or hosts file. You can cut them off the grid by blocking data upload to SSP. Don’t install many apps, for games that can be played offline, play them offline. EDIT: AdGuard DNS doesn’t block the 1st URL (o.isx…) in the page. 2nd URL is blocked.
fixed the markdown Let’s gooooo !
Labels take %70 of royalties, leaving Spotify %30. Also they dropped a lot of momey into podcasts. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/spotify-statistics/
Spotify hasn’t made a profit at all since its inception afaik.
Weird, I can translate with FF even on my phone and it’s not a strong one.
Some TVs require connecting to the network to set it up
Change Wi-Fi password, connect to Wi-Fi and complete setup, restore old password.
Same here, one of our “smart” TVs needs Ethernet for networking, the other needs a Wi-Fi dongle. Rest aren’t even smart. All 1080p.
EtherNet over HDMI
Then block and use or Quad9
iOS has auto update for a while and iOS users update their devices more often than Android. 2 weeks is not a long time for adoption of new version for iOS.
*seconds. KDE Connect dying the moment I turn off the iPad annoys me to this day.
I tried that, printing worked like %20 of the time.
Trying to avoid using my PC at all costs was a bad idea, I changed my mind because I had to print stuff😅
Alright I am installing this
turns off google play services
gets spammed by 976688286 apps begging for google play immediately
On my phone website fits the screen & appears normal, scrolling right reveals rest of the monies
If you still have time & energy to troubleshoot you can create posts for your issues. ChatGPT may give incorrect advice.
I switched because my OS drive was HDD and Win10 was slow & unstable. The background tasks of Win put heavy load on the PC because I didn’t have an SSD. Linux was also slow but a bit more bearable, plus it was stable. Did an SSD upgrade years later.
What kind of hostility have you seen?EDIT: You wrote all that lol, my bad