What about apartment buildings, aren’t they homes too? Good luck enforcing something like that! Probably be a charter violation too.
Torontonian. Facts over Narrative.
What about apartment buildings, aren’t they homes too? Good luck enforcing something like that! Probably be a charter violation too.
I’ve done so many times, and in today’s political climate, if one is informed, it’s not a stretch that they will look for any excuse. Don’t be so naive.
It was actually the Israeli security guard, not the police.
To be clear, you’re referring to Zelenskyy being the dictator …
If arms are stopped, peace will break out sooner. Let’s hope this is so!
The 2 line stanza works from a14o. However, the site you linked has lots of useful information that I’ll use to set up my waybar icons!
Thank-you, @[email protected] works perfectly!
Russia won’t stop until their objectives are met. They want a demilitarized Ukraine and no National Sectors (fascists) in government or influencing the government. So if they have to hold ground in Western Ukraine until accomplished, they will do so. Unless of course this is covered in the potential peace agreement, then Russia will most likely be content with going as far as the Dnieper River.
Well, that the desired result, but if peace negotiations fail, and the EU keeps arming the Nazi’s in Kiev, the Russians will have no choice but to devastate the entire country including Kiev, and any other metro area and leave nothing left. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to this, but like the US president said, Kiev has no winning cards to play here. But the clowns in Kiev hate Russia so much with EU support that I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Then Russia will probably occupy the entire country. Ukraine won’t have anything to fight with, as NATO can’t supply them with the quantity needed, and even then, they’d lose to a much larger, motivated army. They simply can’t compete militarily.
No organization was spending more on foreign influence and media reportage than USAid. So of course the UK wants to fill the void. They’re the voice of Anglo Saxony! They don’t speak for this anglo-saxon (by heritage). /s
The fool doesn’t play poker!
That’s a good kick in the 🥜 🥜 😱
Deleted bc I crossed the line.
P.S. I’ve personally been to Ukraine and also know people who are currently there. So I’ll take my first person account over you or you’re purposely misleading article.
I bet you have! /s What part of Ukraine did you visit, East or West? And from which part of Ukraine did the person(s) you talked to come from? Context is everything. Also, you may want to brush up on some unchallengeable history—An actual timeline of events, if you wish to honestly enlighten yourself. https://consortiumnews.com/2025/02/25/ukraine-timeline-tells-the-tale
consortium news
Another data point for you: https://www.biasly.com/sources/consortiumnews-bias-rating/
Fact checking sites aren’t reliable. Consortium News is run and was founded by world-class investigative journalists who won Pulitzer’s. So I’ll take them over a “fact checking” site. You must think people are stupid.
The same Reuters that received USAid. LOL
Quite welcome — This is why I’ve left the Canadian left.
Good Luck with that, both the UK and USA have claims on those raw materials!