And where did you learn that in China you’ll be visited by the cops?
You learned if from the very same Western cold war propaganda machine we’re talking about. And you accepted it as fact without a thought.
And where did you learn that in China you’ll be visited by the cops?
You learned if from the very same Western cold war propaganda machine we’re talking about. And you accepted it as fact without a thought.
Your satire is going to go over most of these people’s heads.
They also think it is the Chinese who are “brainwashed” NPCs, whilst they swim in propaganda and question nothing.
People not only don’t know what’s happening to them, they don’t even know that they don’t know. — Noam Chomsky
That’s the thing, though: The Tiananmen riots are not a secret in China, and they are taught, while you have been mistaught by Western propaganda that they’re a secret in China. So this meme is ignorant nonsense that perpetuates the propaganda for free.
Why watch the video when one photo and a lifetime of anticommunist propaganda tells me everything I need to know? 😐
Or Trump keeps extending it or the newly formed Congress rolls back the law or the corrupt Supreme Court changes its mind or or or.
They entire US government is a game of oligarchic Calvinball.
And that is why this shit gets removed from
Not because it’s a secret, but because they’re sick and tired of debunking tiny man flat earthers.