• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • People need to be more media litterate and more skeptical of news stories instead of taking them at face value, regardless of Deepfakery. So many articles that pass as “news” are filled with opinion and adjectives designed to ellicit an emotional response.

    People need to learn to look at a piece of information and ask questions.

    • Who wants me to be reading this?
    • What emotions (if any) is this trying to ellicit?
    • What objective information can be taken from this story?
    • What are the sources for that objective information? Are they reliable?

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Even a Fox News article can have some insight into the goings on if you can parse the information from the spin. Deepfakes are just going to be another level of spin, but if people are informed enough, they’ll be able to logically differentiate between a real news story and a damning fake video.

    However, that doesnt solve the age old problem of willfully ignorant people and the confirmation bias…

  • The NDP already represent a lot of what the majority of Canadians want, but fearmongering about sOciALiSm, and the party having to move more towards the center to try and meet the Liberals halfway has diluted their brand.

    The people who would never vote for them anyways think that they’re too far left, and the people who used to support them see them as too-eager-to-please to the current Liberal government.

    If you could magically snap away people’s preconcieved notions and team mentality towards politics, and had them read party policies carte blanche, I think a large portion of Canadians would go NDP, especially if they went back to their traditional policies and mindset.