Nothing shady going on here, proceed with your day as usual, dumb citizen. 🤡
Nothing shady going on here, proceed with your day as usual, dumb citizen. 🤡
So Canada should just ignore all the stuff the US is doing, reinforce their economy by buying from them, and pretend there aren’t risks regarding the possibility of the US being able to remotely interfere with the jets they sell? As if control over others isn’t something the US would ever try to do.
The best machine in the world isn’t worth shit if its reliability when needed is called into question, and much less when the seller can’t be trusted with that much power. That’s buying a few jets by selling sovereignty with extra steps - quite the bargain for the US and their current aspirations.
Buy from reliable allies, such as the EU, and if total defensive independence is a must start building the needed framework to develop a competitive jet building industry so that Canada can build its own by the time these ones approach EoL. Main point, avoid the US jets.
Exactly. Society should never conflate knowledge driven by curiosity and knowledge as an excuse for sadism.
There’s a difference between experimenting by following rules, and then observing the results vs giving in to base forbidden desires just to see what happens or trying to bend reality to confirm one’s bias - I mean, just look at how people tried to justify until decades ago a black person’s ‘inferiority’ and their discrimination by coming up with all sorts of anatomical observations. That’s the danger.
Ironic thing, we already tried this approach multiple times before, specially on war times. And each time humanity concluded that some knowledge has too high a price and we’re better off not finding out some things.
Knowledge for the sake of knowledge, especially with a heavy blood cost, isn’t the way to progress as a species.
And I should know, as a person greatly defined by curiosity about everything and more limited emotional capacity than other people due to mental limitations.
Inb4 Trump, the supposed “best ally and biggest contributor of Ukraine” throws a rage fit citing all sorts of dumb reasons we unsurprisingly will already have heard from Putin’s mouth.
Yes, that’s excellent. We need our own Google suite. Fingers crossed so that it may come eventually.
Yup. This is not just about who gets to lead Canada, it’s also about who can protect it against foreign malicious interference. Now more than ever.
It’s time for cohesion, both internally and with allies, not division. When the enemy is at your doorstep trying to get in, you forget petty disagreements (in comparison, at least) and stand together.
Did someone else hear a shout that sounded like “I’m not special!😭”? Down south?
Eh, must’ve been the wind.
Heck yeah. Go Carney.
With love from Portugal. 🇵🇹🤝🇨🇦
What she did is what everyone in her situation should do - not just if your visa is revoked, but if you are one of the target minorities.
It’s hard to get your life turned upside down and leave your comfort overnight, and very unfair. But you don’t want to let them make the first move on you.
As hard as leaving everything behind feels, the chance of being imprisoned and being powerless in case democracy falls and tyranny begins is far, far worse.
Many people who chose not to flee newly-formed totalitarian regimes lived to regret that choice dearly. As did those who didn’t have the choice to begin with.
Escape to safety, then denounce and seek justice and restitution. Safety first, always.
Yes, yes, every piece slowly falls into place. *Cue maniacal villain laughter
It’s like they actually studied history, to try and replicate the desired results as identically as possible. Or they didn’t, at all, and this is just 2+2=4 scenario but with history.
Nice. Symbolism on point. 👌
I’m sure not-nazi Elon has everyone’s best interests at heart for going there, right? Right?..
Maybe he’s just looking for marketing data to improve his tanked tesla sales. Yeah, must be it.
Lord protect us all from the darkness within the darkness. Thoughts and prayers! 🙏