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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024

  • growing it like a garden is a perfect phrase imo

    because on windows or Mac it may have just worked. …until it doesn’t, or leaves your windows scaled wrong or placed on monitors that don’t exist or some other failure condition. at which point you reboot and hope for the best.

    when it doesn’t work on Linux I’d check logs, actual configuration, and even the source if I need to.and then I’d hopefully improve things and make it work the way I want it to.

  • eyeon@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBidet anyone?
    16 days ago

    it sounds like you understand the value of using water to clean your butthole after you poop… so why not spend the $30 on a bidet just in case you ever do have a poop and don’t want to shower? or hell just so you don’t use as much TP before hopping in the shower. or for anyone else using your toilet and not wanting to hop in the shower…

  • If adopt systems then the question is easy to answer: no, journald does everything you need.

    without adopting systemd… well. Are you evaluating going without any log handling at all and maybe just dumping logs ephemerally to tty0? DIYing all log stuff like your init scripts DIY things?

    Personally if I had to go without journald I’d probably go back to using syslog-ng. But I guess there’s an argument for shipping straight into something like opentelemetry-collector if you’re willing to put in a lot of work.

  • You should look into IPMI console access, that’s usually the real ‘only way out of this’

    SSH has a lot of complexity but it’s still the happy path with a lot of dependencies that can get in your way- is it waiting to do a reverse dns lookup on your IP? Trying to read files like your auth key from a saturated or failing disk? syncing logs?

    With that said i am surprised people are having responsiveness issues under full load, are you sure you weren’t running out of memory and relying heavily on swapping?

  • it sounds like the unlikely outcome of two reasonable policies.

    1. you might not get back the device you send in - say it’s a simple broken screen and they’re willing to cover it. its easier to just send you an already refurbished identical model and then toss your phone into the queue to be fixed later.

    2. unauthorized parts may violate your warranty and whatever you send in isn’t going to get repaired.

    They should still just return it. but if you know it’s not covered you shouldn’t really send it in and it makes sense to cover their ass policy wise even if they do make an effort to just return them.

  • There was the original quake/quake world team fortress, ported reasonably accurately to halflife as TFC officially

    Unofficially pretty much every game that was moddable at the time had some variant of fortress. unreal fortress, quake 3 fortress, enemy territory fortress(basically q3f but made free by porting to a free game)… and even when halflife2 came out that trend continued and the community made Fortress’s Forever.

    All of those games feel very much the same, some with slight additions, but all clearly the same ‘DNA’.

    And then there’s TF2 which released with a last minute decision to remove both grenades and the class specific utility grenade. And RNG crits. And then over time they even added ways you could majorly change how each character played as cosmetic only hats were replaced with things like turning the demonan into a melee knight…

    I’m not saying all of this to still be rehashing complaints about TF2 in 2024… but just to add some context when I say that TF2 was a huge departure from the DNA of Team Forteess, and it’s totally okay for TF3 to change things up yet again.

    Many TF2 diehards will consider it disrespectful and complain, just as I made these same complaints when TF2 released. But it will be okay. TF3 would get its own audience and get a new generation loving it the way you love TF2 and I loved TF

  • not OP but I’d love something like this for a few reasons.

    Sometimes I’m debugging really complicated things and it gets hard to keep track of the info I’ve captured and what I’ve learned, and sometimes you want to recheck some earlier assumption or you learn something new and want to look through older data captured to see if it aligns with newer understandings

    Or it’s a long standing thing and need to step away and come back and refresh your memory of the current understanding. And especially when others might also be working on the same problem and you want to collaborate better.

    Though I am SRE and thinking of debugging issues in overall systems spanning multiple codebases, hosts, and networks. not just specific bugs in a single codebase like I think OP is doing. So I’m also curious if any tool would actually fit both use cases or if being perfect for one would make it not useful for the other.

  • eyeon@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlPlease be satire
    4 months ago

    Agreed but I think the intent is still interesting. My interpretation would be that you can still talk to friends, but not about the vacation. Id still say yes but I’m curious if that changes it for you.

    The more simplified question would be just not bringing your phone or a camera, but then id say no as that just sounds like a dangerous trap and isn’t really what the question is trying to ask- it’s more 'would you go on a vacation and just enjoy it, or do you only want to go on vacation so people know you went? ’

  • eyeon@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsIGmA BeHaiovouR
    5 months ago

    slightly off topic but I’ve been disappointed with ultrawide support and really advise against it for most people. Many single player games that do support it clearly weren’t designed for it and just give you a prettier pillarboxed 16:9, like Hades adding some art on the sides.

    And multiplayer games just crop your vision down so you have a weird FoV and see the same amount horizontally as a 16:9 user, but can’t see as much above or below you as they can. Proper support would let you see more horizontally than 16:9 players and since that’s the vast majority of players it’s understandable… but then anyone who does buy an ultrawide has to run it in 16:9 with pillarboxing or be at a disadvantage.

  • for earbuds it’s useful as many modern phones can share their battery to wirelessly charge another device, so you can top up your earbuds off of your phone while you’re out somewhere and not need to lug around a charger and cable.

    For wirelessly charging phones, I agree the pad style chargers defeat a lot of the point, but I am a fan of the dock-style wireless chargers. I have one at my desk and can just glance at my phone to see notifications, and I have to set my phone somewhere anyways, so this lets me top up my phone without really thinking about it.