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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • … To the surprise of <checks notes> absolutely nobody

    Actually I have a question and I admit knowing nothing of the legal framework here but…

    Isn’t it absolutely ridiculous that a not-for-profit entity can exists solely for the purpose of developing a closed-source piece of software, demand to train it for free off copyrighted material, just to switch to a for-profit entity??

    Sound 100% like tax avoidance. Like me registering a charity so I can throw a mega concert/party privately, secure preferencial treatment on supplies, get discounts on artists or even free performance and then switch to for profit as I start selling tickets

  • I’m sorry, maybe I’m just daft this week, but I missed the concept “the doctors believed her liver is so far gone, a partial would lot [sic] work” in that.

    This was posted like 5 times and I assumed it was the same article… I’ll find the link to the original one where they detailed this. In any case, she was not eligible because she was likely to go back to drinking and ruin the new liver…

    So where does the article state she kept drinking while waiting for the transplant?

    I never said that… what the article says is that she was an alcoholic since late teens and was never able to stop. She literally only stopped drinking after she found out she was going to die, and that was only like 3 months. She tried to quit before but never succeeded… that tells you she was a super high risk of relapsing