The Stoned Hacker

Just passin’ through

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • The Stoned Hacker@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlPills
    10 days ago

    I prefer multiple systems of scale based on mutual aid, where all shared institutions and resources are collectively owned and managed by the people working in those institutions without the obligation of profit. Then those institutions would cooperate to form larger scale systems that can form the complex widespread support for our technologically advanced society without having to be centrally managed or owned. Necessarily, but not ideally, there would be a limited free market that is completely isolated from the actual organizational structure (no lobbying, no private ownership of necessities, etc.) to allow interaction with non-collectivist states and entities.

  • I’m not with the other guy, but America is a neoliberal imperial empire. They have had multiple colonial territories that they’ve prevented from both independence and statehood, and are involved in the politics, economies, and militaries of countries all over the world where we use our weight to get more favorable terms for ourselves and dictate the course of that nation/state/country’s history. We constantly exploit various areas for the resources they provide with indifference to the effect of local people. We are one of the pinnacles of this style of technocratic, neofeudalist, neocolonial, imperial, plutocratic government. I’m not going to comment on fascism but it’s not exactly difficult to showcase both contemporaneously and historiographically that the United States has a bit of a fascism issue.

  • Dude, as an American it just sounds like you have an anti-everyone else hate and fear boner because you’re antisocial, scared, and paranoid. The other dude is absolutely right that there are more civil and diplomatic ways that will be much more effective than not. At my girlfriend’s last apartment there was a dude who lived below her her apartment who would occasionally play music really really loud. I had seen him openly carrying his pistol in the building. I went down there and knocked, and when he opened the door his gun was hip holstered and ready to be drawn. I just asked if he could turn down the music a bit as we were trying to sleep and he apologized and all was good. He turned down the music and there was no confrontation; he may like his music loud (as do I sometimes, my hearing can be bad at times) but sometimes we need a reminder to be considerate of others. You can argue we shouldn’t need that reminder, but we’re all human and to be human is to be fallible. At the end of the day, communication will always be the quickest way to solve a conflict or issue. It is only not an option when one or more sides refuses to cooperate in communication. But that’s honestly not as common as you’d think and it doesn’t help you nor anyone else if you immediately close that avenue of resolution.

  • Yeah I’m pre-2005 and still look back on Vine fondly. The difference I think is that Vine was genuinely kind of innocent. It didn’t have a massive corporate backing until the one that killed it, and there wasn’t really a way to monetize it back then. It was just a goofy place on the internet with weird, niche content that was also ubiquitous amongst the younger generations. It sadly laid the grounds for TikTok, but it needs to be remembered that Vine was killed because it wasn’t monetizable, at least not back then. It’s the difference between early internet and corporate internet.

  • I agree with your controversial take, however it’s important to note that a lot of this fascist rhetoric relies on misinformation which is spread far quicker and further than the truth. And the neofascism that has taken hold is very in-group oriented (i.e. the concepts that the in group is by definition morally virtuous and thus can do no real harm, whereas the out-group is the opposite) which is difficult to break down with logic and rhetoric. That’s not to say it can’t be done, but in terms of conversion (purely as a metric, i don’t mean to be oberly reductionist) it will always be one step forward three back. And if they people don’t approach a conversation in good faith it can be downright impossible to get them to even fathom a differing perspective. What I’m saying is that the new breed of fascists rely solely on dogma and groupthink, and have been trained to reject any rebuttal or outside perspective. They took what the old fascists did well and optimized it and trained people in it for the past 70+ years.