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Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • To be clear, please continue to enjoy your food the way you want it. Just know what the words that exit your mouth mean. Life shouldn’t be safe, and many of life’s greatest pleasures are not safe.

    Is it a Canadian beef problem? Nah, it’s just a problem with the definition of “safe food”. If the food is not cooked to 165F, then any bacteria, fungi, and parasites that are present could still be alive. There are no guarantees that the beef didn’t have tapeworms, and since ground beef is usually from multiple cuts, there’s a larger chance that a tapeworm has been ground up and spread throughout. It’s a tiny chance, but it’s still a chance. Steaks are less of a risk, because it’s a single cut, and the chef can visually inspect it.

    The waiver is stupid, but it has less to do with capitalism and more to do with the legal system. People sue for anything and everything, and I don’t blame companies for trying to defend themselves from that. They asked the dude to sign a waiver, because they’re afraid he doesn’t understand the risks and might sue if he gets sick.

    Funny thing is: in this case the guy didn’t understand the risks. He thought they were saying their beef is sketchy. What they were really saying is: all ground beef not cooked to 165F could be sketchy. I think he’s dumb, because he doesn’t know that a medium cooked burger involves risk but has been requesting it everywhere he goes. If he had known what a medium burger is, he would’ve just said “yeah yeah yeah”, signed, and ate the burger like an adult.

    I’m not you pal, buddy. (but we might be friends now)

  • Dude is incredibly stupid, because he’s been ordering under-cooked burgers without any conception of what he’s requesting for “Bob”-know-how-long.

    He might like medium-cooked burgers, but he has no idea what that even means. The food at the hotel isn’t less-safe than other places. They just didn’t assume he read the fine-print at the bottom of the menu and were the first to inform him that it’s not safe.

    Yeah, they delivered the waiver at the wrong time, but dude should’ve already known what he was ordering wasn’t safe. I order over-easy, soft-boiled, and sometimes sunny-side-up eggs. I know the risks, and I accept them.

    Unless you put an a ton of effort into it, ground beef is only safe well-done. To get safe under-cooked ground beef, you need to discuss your intentions with your butcher and grind the beef yourself. Even with grinding a single, quality cut of beef, you’re still gambling.

    Also, fuck you, I’m not your friend guy, here’s a rocket ship ().():::::::::::::::::D~~~~~~~

  • Yeah, this is one of those constant annoyances that you kinda just live with. It doesn’t matter that much, because compound words were at some point not one word, and there may be separate words that you use today that will join together during your career. Electronic mail became e-mail became email. As long as the casing doesn’t hide the meaning, you’re doing it right. Also be consistent. Don’t recreate such monstrosities as XMLHttpRequest.

  • On Tuesday afternoon, researchers’ fears were confirmed. The pod of almost 100 long-finned pilot whales rushed to the shore, stranding themselves on Cheynes Beach near Albany, in southern Western Australia.

    By Wednesday, 52 of the whales had died, the authorities said. A team of local volunteer and conservation officials managed to move the remaining 45 back into the water and attempted to herd them back out to sea, using boats and kayaks to guide them. However, that afternoon, the whales re-stranded themselves further along the beach, the authorities said. The Australia Broadcasting Corporation reported that the whales had again formed a huddle before drifting back to shore.

  • Wildfires driven by an extreme heatwave have encircled Palermo after temperatures in the Sicilian city climbed to 47C (117F) on Monday.

    But while the heat stifles the south, northern regions continued to bear the brunt of bad weather caused by the arrival of cooler air from northern Europe, with more torrential rain and gales forecast in Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.

    Giuseppe Sala, the mayor of Milan, said residents endured a sleepless night as winds exceeded 63 mph (100 km/h).

    Sala said: “What we are seeing is not normal. We can no longer deny that climate change is changing our lives. We can no longer turn a blind eye, and above all, we can’t not do anything.”

    The civil protection minister, Nello Musumeci, said: “Climate change is not just a contingency and Italy must realise that it now has a tropical climate. On one hand, we are paying the price of climate change, for which we should have paid more attention several years ago, and, on the other, of infrastructure that does not seem to be totally adequate for the new context.

    The COP28 will certainly be interesting.

    1. Code in Emacs or Jetbrains (depends on language and laptop cpu)
    2. Run make to build, run, debug, or clean (I like makefiles for documenting basic tasks)
    3. Commit with git when chunk of work is done

    I tend to do everything locally on bare metal. I never liked putting stuff in containers or running a vm.

    VS Code is a great editor, though. It actually feels a bit like Emacs.

  • [The Tyee is] blocked from posting news stories on two of the giant’s platforms — Instagram and Threads (the company’s new rival to Twitter) — and it seems the same may soon be true on Facebook.

    And so we ask you Tyee readers: Will you help us gauge the scope of the blast radius?

    Are you having trouble sharing Tyee news items on Instagram? On Facebook? On Threads? If so please send an email letting us know at [email protected]. If you get any kind of error message, please screenshot and send that to us, too.

    [The blocking] soon could include Google, which, like Meta, has vowed to strip Canadian news from their platforms in resistance to Bill C-18, federal legislation that would compel the tech companies to sign commercial deals with Canadian news organizations for content that is shared on their platforms.

    The Tyee, thankfully, has over 75,000 free newsletter subscribers we reach directly via email, so we’ll survive. (If you’re not currently a newsletter subscriber, please sign up here. It’s free and you can cancel anytime.)

    They aren’t blocking you from going to Canadian news sites, they’re blocking you from posting links to them, because they don’t want to pay the news sites for their content. They probably have a list of domains that are blocked; I doubt they’re blocking particular IPs.

    The best thing you can do to support The Tyee is subscribe to their newsletter with the link above and, if you can afford it, support them financially. This is all about denying the news sites advertising revenue from the increased traffic that major platforms provide.

  • Perhaps you didn’t understand my comment or the article. The 60C number is, in fact, a meaningless, joke of a number, because they’re talking about how hot the ground is. Duh, the ground gets really hot. Be careful walking your dogs, though. Their paws can get severely burned quite quickly.

    The heatwave has not hit its peak yet in Spain. That’ll be Monday through Wednesday next week. Highs will be around 43C (109F). 40C isn’t a big deal to me, but anything higher gets savage fast. The forecasts for Sardinia and Sicily actually aren’t as bad as the article predicts (not even hitting 38C/100F), but wunderground could just be inaccurate.

    The bottom line for reasonable people is: if you’re forecast to get temps above 40C, take it seriously.

    Or, like, don’t. I don’t know you, and I won’t be affected by your death, so get fucked or don’t. That’s on you. You’re just some human. You’re the lowest form of life on this planet in my eyes, and there are far too many humans already.