
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I used to think a lot about up-gradability before but often find that when a cpu is too slow then it is also so old that I have to change the motherboard and ram too for compatibility reasons.
    Same thing with the motherboard, if it fails I’ve never had it be new enough that I can bring my cpu and ram with me to my next motherboard (unless buying an older motherboard second hand).
    And many of my disks will be old enough that I want to replace them too, at least if they have anything important on them.

    Only things I’ve brought with me when upgrading desktops have been my case (including fans), psu, gpu and (some) disks.
    Having a quiet and dust proof case that is easy to build in and a good psu that https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ endorses has become higher priority to me since then, as I know they might last me more than one build.

  • As in
    “We’ve finished taking all we need from the Mono project and implemented it into our proprietary .NET implementation for Linux, Android and iOS. Instead of getting flack for killing off Mono (which is open source and would’ve been forked anyways) we graciously give this old husk to the Wine project. We recommend that active Mono users and maintainers of Mono-based app frameworks migrate to .NET. kthnxbye!”

    Good thing that it went to Wine I guess, as they do lots of work to get old Windows programs up and running in Linux and that often involves Mono.

  • Info that could help others help you:
    House or flat?
    Renting or owning?
    How large an area do you need to heat?
    How many rooms?

    Temperature and savings:
    Where I live they say that a house with people living in it should be at least 16°C (~60°F) to handle the moisture we generate.
    Humans should have at least 18°C (64°F), preferably 20°C (68°F).
    That means that you could close doors and let unoccupied rooms have lower temperature than the rooms you use.
    If you’re stuck with space heaters then you’ll save quite a lot that way.

  • The simple solution is to use another cloud, such as proton drive mentioned below.

    Another more technical solution is to setup a vpn at home and use vpn + smb to share files with your phones, this one fails if your computer isn’t always online at home or if your internet provider runs CGNAT.

    Your computer could be replaced with a selfhosted solution as nextcloud running on separate hardware, but now we’re firmly in selfhosting land.

    The VPN home could be replaced with a VPS that both your home network and mobile devices connect to as a CGNAT workaround.

    The KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principle says that getting another cloud storage is the way to go. If you truly wanna own your cloud then a trip to selfhost land it is.

  • After which ctrl+f " in" takes you to the correct chapters. I do agree that a direct link would be more helpful.
    And for learning postgresql I agree it isn’t very helpful - using their tutorial links, w3schools or something like udemy if you prefer video format is the way to go in that use case.

    I remember back when you were told to learn to work with the documentation, not memorize it, because you will always have access to it as a reference. Maybe bookmarking reference books/documentation will make a come back as the search engines degrade.