Subjectively, I’ve been seeing a lot of high ping/packet loss in gaming and sites loading tonight. Can’t help but wonder if something more fundamental is going on.
Subjectively, I’ve been seeing a lot of high ping/packet loss in gaming and sites loading tonight. Can’t help but wonder if something more fundamental is going on.
To be fair, Star Trek always had its fantasy element as well. They dressed it up with Treknobabble a lot, but many of the episodes had fundamentally fantasy elements as well. Like, remember the time Kirk gets beamed down to a planet where the inhabitants use literal, actual magic and it turns out the Salem witches were actual witches?
Y’know, I was just browsing earlier and thinking that there wasn’t even any technology stuff in my feed anymore, it’d all been subsumed by the political churn…
Anyhow, to answer properly: I like Star Wars’ aesthetic better, but Star Trek also had some incredible stuff. I’ve also been increasingly burned out on Star Wars since the Disney takeover, to the point I barely follow it anymore. Back in the day I was neck-deep in the community of nerds who loved analyzing how the technology in the setting worked!
But the real love of my science-fiction life is Babylon 5. Something about how they planned the show’s myth arc out over multiple seasons leading to huge payoffs for both characters and the overall story.
Back around 2010 or so, I discovered that if you had a physical PC game that was also in Steam’s store, you could type in the serial number on the game box and it would register and add it to your Steam library.
Does this happen even if the game wasn’t on Steam at time of purchase so long as it has a Steam version now? Because that would be amazing.
Really glad I’m not the first to come here and say this. We’re “firing” programs now? Come on.
Now this is the good stuff I look for in a Tech community.