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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m no expert in biology, not my science as I dropped it after highschool, so I’m not going to pretend I know much, I’m merely hypothesising.

    But I do know that removing large parts of bio-mass from the ecosystem will have consequences that need to be considered.

    As far as I’ve read about sterile mosquito introduction is that it’s an attempt at population reduction not extermination. I’m guessing this will allow the experts in this field to study the effect this effort has on mosquito populations, malaria rates, and other insect and mosquito predator populations.

    Also our understanding of biology has come on leaps and bounds and I expect that within the next 50 years (barring a catastrophic event that impacts humanity) we’ll have much more control over the ecosystem and I hope that allows us to improve human life and be better stewards of the environment.

  • Well in theory yes. However there are billions upon billions of mosquitos and therefore, despite their small size, they are a large bio-mass.

    If we try and remove a large bio-mass like that from the ecosystem there’s bound to be knock-on effects in the food chain. We need to be sure that gap does get filled and what would fill that gap doesn’t have any effects that could be worse than Malaria i.e. an insect that could swarm and cause famine.

  • Sorry citizen, every time you enter the bar we’ve got to take a swab from your genitals to check that since you were last here you haven’t fucked any kids.

    Fucking ridiculous. If you want to prevent CSAM spreading across Europe do this instead:

    • new funding for a cross boarder specialist taskforce to coordinate law enforcement agencies.
    • hide the identity of defendant and victim during trials.
    • offer a slightly lighter sentence to offenders if they successfully help with bringing down the rings.
    • a large cross-boarder sting operation.
    • new funding for therapy for offenders to reform them and during and after they’ve served their time.
    • new funding for a confidential service to provide prevention therapy to potential offenders before they commit that horrid act against a child.

    Investigation and surgical removal of the whole rotten ring of kid fuckers will curve CSAM creation and distribution in the EU.

    Then preventative measures to stop creators/ consumers of CSAM because prevention is more effective than trying to cure it.

    Child sexual abuse is one of, if not the most evil act someone can commit and they should face very steep punishment for it. And anyone proposing any policy offering help to reform them is committing political suicide.

    But ignoring the fact that people have the capacity to commit an evil act of that magnitude, demonising them, and then offering no support network to prevent them is not going to solve the problem. It doesn’t work for any crime and certainly not this.