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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • If I had to pick, Ubuntu.

    What I’d actually pick: Fedora

    Workstation Edition (Gnome) or Plasma Edition (KDE Plasma), whatever your UX preference, with Gnome being more polished, minimalist, distraction-free, and Plasma being like Windows out of the box but much more powerful and customisable.

    The name unfortunately conjures images of the tips fedora/m’lady meme, but the name predates that, and it’s a solid and well-supported distro that gets better with every update.

    I don’t really dislike Ubuntu; they certainly get a lot right. But they have also made a few choices that I’m not really into. Most of all, the direction of Ubuntu is somewhat unpredictable, because Canonical is a for-profit business that has changing priorities.

  • I’m going to preface this by saying the whole Americanised ACAB stuff is silly. Not everywhere has a shitty, militarised police force like theirs. Where I am, my experience with the police has been pretty positive, even with me being an immigrant with darker skin.

    But man, no.

    If police want your data, they can ask you politely, and if you say no, then that should be it. End of discussion. People have the right to privacy.

    Maybe the officer wouldn’t do anything nefarious. But then again, maybe they will. You have no way of knowing what type of person that officer is. Even good police forces have plenty of shitty employees, so police powers should be limited to avoid them just doing whatever they want.

    If there’s a genuine reason to have your data, say you’re implicated in some criminal investigation, then they can go through the proper channels and get a warrant.

    Police absolutely should not have the power to just do whatever they like. If you let them, have that, it leads to shitty police forces like they have in the US and elsewhere.

  • A lot of people are very reactionary when it comes to LLMs and any of the other “AI” technologies.

    For myself, I definitely roll my eyes at some of the “let’s shoehorn ‘AI’ into this!” marketing, and I definitely have reservations about some datasets stealing/profiting from user data, and part of me worries about the other knock-on effects of AI (e.g. recently it was found that some foraging books on Amazon were AI generated and, if followed, would’ve led to people being poisoned. That’s pretty fucking bad).

    …but it can also be a great tool, too. My sister is blind, and honestly, AI-assisted screen readers will be a game changer. AI describing images online that haven’t been properly tagged for blind people (most of them, btw!) is huge too. This is a thing that is making my little sister’s life better in a massive way.

    It’s been useful for me in terms of translation (Google translate is bad), in terms of making templates that take a lot of the tedious legwork out of programming, effortlessly clearing up some audio clarity issues for some voluntary voice acting “work” I’ve done for a huge game mod, and for quickly spotting programming or grammar mistakes that a human could easily miss.

    I wish people could just have rational, adult discussions about AI tech without it just descending into some kind of almost religious shouting match.

  • You have to be exceptionally blockheaded to stay with an OS that no longer receives security patches

    I never said using an OS from the 90s/early 2000s, I said theming current OSes as if they are.

    But tbh, most people are that block-headed with tech (as you alluded to later in your comment). There will be plenty of people still on Win10 when support ends.