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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Via Rail is a complete disaster imo. They take the bad from air travel and bring it to rail. They act like their service is a premium luxury one, with huge numbers of staff per train, multiple checks of your tickets, etc.

    One example of how bad their operations are (not to get into reliability which is a whole other problem) is that when arriving at a station they ask that you remain seated until the train is fully stopped, and then slowly help people get off. Contrast this with trains in Japan as an example, where the announcement says a stop is coming up soon, please be ready to get off as soon as the train doors are open.

    In my opinion we don’t just need politicians riding Canadian trains. I want them to travel to Europe and Asia and then come back and suffer on via rail. It’s not just new dedicated tracks that are needed, it’s a complete restructure of the passenger experience!

  • I think you’re misreading it. In the same way as there are people that need to ride on planes (for example for their job, or to move to where they have a job, etc), there are people that need to use social media.

    For example, if you own an online store you really need to have a social media presence. Same if you are an artist, and live off of commissions. I’m sure there are plenty more examples.

  • How about they make the monthly pass a more compelling option for people by making the break even point 20 trips? Even before the pandemic I would have to evaluate if I wanted the monthly pass because I wouldn’t be going in to the office enough days to make it worth it.

    In an ideal world we would have a system that just caps fare usage when you get to certain breakpoints, with a daily, weekly and monthly caps so you never have to try to guess how much transit you use, you just use it and if you use enough it just stops charging you (because you’ve paid enough for a monthly pass for example).

  • This is exactly my experience as well. It doesn’t help that my peripherals are purchased based on if they work with windows so half the functionality is missing on linux, and I’m not about to go buy new ones.

    That and fixing any issue can be such a frustrating experience because when you search you end up with fixes for every distro except yours, or the fix for your distro that worked 5 years ago but now doesn’t.

    My current forray into linux is going well except for taking all day to configure the dual boot though, so maybe some things have gotten better!

  • You’re ignoring the thing car drivers complain about the most, traffic delays. To me real freedom is being able to get to the places I need to using my own two feet, without needing to spend thousands every year on a car, insurance, etc. Headphones also exist and let you enjoy your own music while outside of a car without disturbing anyone!

    What we need everywhere is a people first policy that makes it so you don’t need a car to get around, especially in cities.

    I’m not sure what you are talking about with Spain. People there are not “trapped” in cities, they have good public transit in most cities and one of the best high speed rail systems in the world to get between cities, on top of that an extensive bus system that is even cheaper and extensive than the trains.