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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I feel he’s right. Youtube alone completely exhausted my patience to be advertised to in 2021, and when you’re fed up with something and it keeps getting shoved down your throat at every corner then you get annoyed at first, and then you really start to actively despise it, and then it becomes completely unbearable. I absolutely cannot stand adverts anymore, including video sponsors. If I see a particularly obnoxious advert I’ll go out of my way to AVOID the products in question, if I couldn’t avoid paying attention to it. I’d like to go on record and say, absolutely fuck the electronic billboard outside my workplace, that piece of shit makes it dangerous to drive at night because it’s so bright and I hope to god it gets vandalized beyond repair.

    Most games that I try these days were recommended to me by people who I know personally. BG3 was one of very few exceptions, and honestly? You know what sold me on BG3 and made me think ‘this is going to be a really high-quality game?’ It was when there was a news article discussing the controversies after they confirmed that you could get railed by a druid. Not even something I’m interested in, but that design choice actively showed they were including niche options that not many people would pick into their RPG. That was what made me go ‘Oh shit, if you can do that, you can probably do a lot of other things! It’s an RPG with actual impactful dialog choices! They weren’t just throwing that out as an advertising buzz!’

  • Gotta say, I’m a blue collar who also builds sensitive machinery, have been doing so for six years now.

    There is a VERY sharp divide in how well I consider myself to have mastered certain aspects of the job.

    Someone fucking kill me: I’m doing this job for the first time and I’m having to spend ages sifting through our processes that may not be documented in enough detail to do the job perfectly. The job is legally safe because I’m following the rules but god I don’t like it. Takes about three times as long as a ‘normal’ task.

    This is fine: I’ve done the job enough to know how everything goes together, what torque to use where, and if there’s anything I should really be doing that isn’t in the instructions, or if there’s an instruction mismatch.

    Mastery: I can not only do the job, I actually understand the explicit purpose and function of everything I’m putting together on an intimate level, and can use my knowledge of that purpose and function to make god damn sure that what I’m putting out is top quality. As probably the least sensitive example of this, this is stuff like knowing that the particular brand of no-mixing-needed paint we use can sometimes develop a sediment layer of its’ pigments on the bottom that requires you to mix it with a stick for the paint to perform properly, and that you can tell when the paint is experiencing this issue because it’ll be off-colour due to the lack of pigment; and if you don’t resolve this issue the paint won’t adhere to surfaces correctly and is liable to flake off.

    I’ve been doing this for six years and there are only a handful of aspects of my job I consider myself to have complete mastery over. I don’t think I’m the best worker out there, not by a long shot, but to me the idea that you can just lose and replace your workforce when dealing with complicated machinery is about as stupid as the notion that AI can replicate the human mind (It can’t unless you abandon the von-neumann computer design).

  • Well, it’s set in DnD; I tried to keep expectations in check for the whole thing but they did a legitimately good job with presenting you with a varied set of options for how you can approach and resolve dungeons in Act 1 and 2. So I did tentatively allow my expectations to be raised.

    In any case, I was looking forwards to seeing how they’d handle their dragon encounter. The one I’d been looking forwards to all game. And BOY did they fall flat on their face. The dungeon is one of the most frustrating and unrewarding ones in the game, and the encounter with the dragon (a highly intelligent and charismatic creature within DnD where the conversation with them is half the fun) won’t even talk to you, only to a complete dickhead NPC that’s a mandatory tagalong with your party. There is NO variance in how you approach or resolve the dragon, there is no way you can influence their storyline for better or worse, and you can’t even kill Dickhead NPC. For high hopes to be met with by far the hardest failure to meet expectations… yeah, it just killed my enjoyment.

    (For contrast, compare how they handled their dragon to how they handled their Hag, Devil, the entire Thorm family, the Gith Creche, and Grymforge. Look at how much your choices can influence those. Look at how much they will talk to you.)