Tom Hanks.
I am still mad over the travesty that is the Sully falsification. I’ve heard enough about his ‘bizzare’ Elvis performance, and his unnecessary rambling in the newer Disney Pinnochio to feel certain he should’ve retired years ago.
Tom Hanks.
I am still mad over the travesty that is the Sully falsification. I’ve heard enough about his ‘bizzare’ Elvis performance, and his unnecessary rambling in the newer Disney Pinnochio to feel certain he should’ve retired years ago.
How Republicans feel after murdering a woman by deciding the fetus is more important.
They say “Every child has a right to education.”
And then behave as if it’s “Every child has a responsibility to be educated.”
So yeah, while I absolutely think education in itself is vital, I do get peeved when they immediately lie by changing what they do versus what they say.
By they, I mean outdated education boards of self-absorbed twits who grew up decades earlier and have no real grasp of what today’s generation needs.
Idiocracy runs on the assumption smart people would plan and prepare to save the stupid people down the line. Not rule them in cyberfeudalism. I wouldn’t call it prophetic personally.
Get Out is a spotlight on existing problems. That have existed for a long time, and will likely continue to exist.
I got so much shit from the Canadian reddit for saying that people are literally going to flee for their lives across the border.
That was back in November. Who’s right now?