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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • You’re incredibly uneducated to be making the claims you are.

    Racism in the US south against black people looks different than racism in the midwest/Western states against Native Americans because the goals of the racism were different.

    The govt wanted to grow the black population so they could have a huge workforce to take from. Explicit racism helps a lot with this, because it’s declaring people black and enforcing that they are less than and deserve to be a lower class. This is probably what you mean about how racist the south is.

    For Native Americans, the govt’s goal is to take their land and destroy their claims to land - they want LESS Native Americans. That’s why colorblindness is the racism in the midwest and west. That is also why those areas HATE Latino people, even though those people are generally just Native Americans who speak Spanish. That’s why you hear stuff like “We speak English here.” That’s why old John Wayne movies were the way they were. That’s why we had those Native American re-education schools. That’s why we killed so mamy buffalo (to starve them) and the Great Plains to this day has never recovered fully from how many millions of herd animals were killed. It’s why, TO THIS DAY, Christian organizations will adopt Native kids to explicitly white Christian families. It’s why the Mormons are in Utah. It’s why most Native reservations are in extremely inhospitable places (look at the Navajo lands versus nearby in Hatch, NM - the Native people would have lived near Hatch, near water, but we took that from them and gave them barren soil - to kill them).

    The racism against Native Americans is like smothering and starving a baby to death, whereas the racism in the south is more like screaming//beating at a baby to depression/“submission”.

    Rec reading: Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide by Smith, Andrea

    Old cowboys used to cut Native women’s labia off and put it on their saddle horns to play with. The west is racist too.

  • This isn’t what happened though. She was addicted to alcohol, per her partner, got diagnosed with needing a new liver, she immediately quit alcohol, and they denied her anyway even though quite a bit of time had passed while she was sober. I am unaware if her liver disease was because of the previous regular alcohol use. It wasn’t just 1 drink though.

    Yes, organ donation is messed up. I met a girl dying in hospice once. She needed a new kidney. Genetic stuff, and then when she was 15 she tried to kill herself with Tylenol. She got her first transplant before the suicide attempt. She was denied a second one due to the suicide attempt itself. There are only so many organs in the world. She died in agony in hospice, young and covered in calcium deposits.

    We punish substance use and mental health so harshly in this country. No one deserves the death penalty for previous substance use, especially for alcohol which is ancient af. It’s horrible she was denied when there was a liver already available.