Just a few thousand kilometers off, though I might make it there one day and check it out! :)
Yeah Darktable is the way to go from what I’ve gathered so far. At the very least in terms of freeware. I can tell that it does a lot of things very well and offers endless features. I’ve already played around with it previously and use it exclusively now since I’ve switched my mainOS to Ubuntu and can’t use Lightroom anymore. I did enjoy Lightroom’s pre-sets that are offered by default. Filters and such. It helps getting some inspiration in what way the image could be modified to convey itself better.
I’m sure similar filters exist for Darktable as well but it’s not as much point-and-click as Lightroom I guess.
Do you know if there are camera (manufacturer) specific modules for Darkroom that can be used? Would be nice to 1-click-recreate what my camera did for the .jpg and go from there. I think it’d help me a lot to adjust the image I’ve already evaluated instead of starting ‘from scratch’ regarding pretty much all image data, you know?
Tried something with Darktable. As usual, I got quite frustrated with my ability to change things in a way I feel to be in control of. Well at least monsieur le bird seems to be shown in a less exposed way:
Thank you for the reply.
Moving the sliders of the histogram is the one thing I’ve been able to do myself without ‘messing up’ the image. Will try it for this pic as well.
Working with masks is something that really makes sense for such instances but it kind of feels like cheating to edit this way. Maybe I’m just to hung up on the idea to keep photos close to the real thing, whatever that might be.
Using the .jpg my camera creates already contains lots of adjustments…
I should have the RAW file somewhere. Since editing myself usually ends in disaster… Should I just lower overall exposure until the bird stops appearing overoxposed or should I try lowering highlights separately or something?
Tips would be appreciated.
And I was really hoping for it to work as 12ft once did
Important Announcement After careful consideration, 1ft.io will be shutting down indefinitely. I want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported us.
Too bad
See figure 3 here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamic_temperature
As mentioned above, there are other ways molecules can jiggle besides the three translational degrees of freedom that imbue substances with their kinetic temperature. As can be seen in the animation at right, molecules are complex objects; they are a population of atoms and thermal agitation can strain their internal chemical bonds in three different ways: via rotation, bond length, and bond angle movements; these are all types of internal degrees of freedom.
tl;dr Water be jiggly. Amount of jiggle is hard to put a number on
That’s why rougue-lite exists. Each run gets a bit easier, though you start getting new and harder tasks. If it’s done well, the repeatability is immense.
Great composition!
Best lingerie-a
lounging, mommaaaa
What about that parasitic thingy that wobbles your eyes and makes you do things? You’d just need to ward of these pesky birds and refrain from climbing too high, but I bet everything looks funky!
Not sure of the brand name but something that helps you to see pretty things where you are and something that helps you to actively look for pretty things would be my recommendation.
That coat itself looks painted. The simple color, the way it still clings to the body in places while flowing freely and the shadows make it a bit surreal, especially combined with that painting.
What a pretty flower! Thanks for sharing.
You’re right! Guess they got the concrete texture quite right.
Cheers! I appreciate the small insight into the names that are common to people with some knowledge about these different types.
So far, I might have a chance to name Dohle, Nebekrähe correctly and maybe have a good chance of picking Rabe, rather than Krähe due to its size, and being somewhat right about that.
I’m always thankful if someone can tell me right away what things are called.
Thank you very much. I’ll check it out and try to get used to it when the next photo needs retouching.
https://onecameraonelens.com/2022/08/02/quickly-get-a-workable-image-in-darktable/ seems promising as well. I guess I already figured that out myself at some point but maybe following a guide will show me what I might’ve been doing wrong or in a wrong order or something…