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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It does taste different.l but it’s still milk.
    I’ve grown up on a farm, and milk can even taste different from cow to cow, or at different times of the year if that changes their alimentation.
    Raw milk also usually has a higher fat content than what most people buy.
    Ours would average 4.5%.

    Different breeds also taste different, holsteins, ayrshires, jerseys, etc.

    I’ve never been a big fan of milk, so I can’t into much details on flavor.

    I personally wouldn’t procure raw milk from a farm I didn’t know very well.

  • OP is a racist jumping through alt accounts. In their mind, they’re making of fun of some imaginary dissonance between people liking the person in the top image and not liking the person in the bottom image.

    They only ever see through the perspective of a racist.
    In their tiny mind, “other race = inherently bad”, so to them, non-racist people must surely be going… “other race = inherently good”.

    To them, race here was some magic card they can pull out as a gotcha, as if we should like Musk because he’s African.

    Their little brain cannot fathom we might dislike Musk because he’s a billionaire narcissist sociopath and not because he was born in Africa.