I also play on SteamDeck but it isn’t constant 30 fps at all. Still completely playable without question but I get a lot of drops down to 20 fps as stuff loads in.
I also play on SteamDeck but it isn’t constant 30 fps at all. Still completely playable without question but I get a lot of drops down to 20 fps as stuff loads in.
I’ve capped it at 8w now with decent results. Still gets warmer than I feel it should but it’s a lot better.
I dont use per game profiles at all, so forgetting a cap on isn’t an issue for me. I just manually change settings each time to match the game im playing hahaha. But I am a nerdy dork who loves to tinker so the tedium in doing that is actually pretty satisfying for me.
It’s likely more to do with optimazion (or lack thereof) mostly on the game devs side of things - but I think Godot has a lot of room for improvement in that regard as well. BUT take that with a grain of salt I could be wrong!
Anyway I set CB to 8w and it plays at 60 fps mostly, and the deck is much cooler and less battery intensive. Dropping the games graphics and limiting to 30 fps would probably be a good idea for this game if longer battery is gonna be needed. Cheers!
For whatever reason I’ve not had a lot of luck limiting TDP with almost any game… I’ll need to sit down and really test shit out at some point. I haven’t even messed with the default settings on CB yet so there’s likely performance gains to be had there - it’s just that in other Godot games I’ve messed around with I couldn’t get them running much better. There is that one 3D graphics shooter game (think kinda like the old 1944 NES game or whatever) that was not graphically impressive but used more power than flippin’ Metal Gear Solid 5…. Like WHAT
That game heats up my steam deck and burns battery like a mofo… some Godot games are brutally inefficient like that. I’m guessing CB uses older Godot 3.5? Wonder if that kind of issue is easier to avoid with the 4.x series. Oh well I like the game and love Godot engine to bits (I just make little projects for myself so far)
Yes from a class 10 micro sd card (64 GB model, which is painfully limiting due to shader caches having to be on the ssd)