Hidetaka Miyazaki
Hidetaka Miyazaki
The inverse of 70% is not 130%
Pointers are great for optional references.
Yes, but they are not gaming devices. They are meant to efficiently compute things. When used for that purpose they use little energy compared to other devices doing the same thing.
Math is more than just the set of all algebras.
You also can’t call something infinity. People call stuff names. It is just important that they define their terms well enough.
By this metric youtube is not enshittification to some extent. They are a household name and not some weenie startup.
It being ineffective is a necessary part of it, in my opinion.
It does enable looking down classes duch that noone can accidentally inherit it. This could have benefit when writing non-performance critical Code.
Canada has alcohol taxes I think. Also those ain’t real dollars, but their local variant.
If you studied a technical science and do coding for that you may be allowed to be called ingenieur.
Are you sure? I thought we did not know if it was guaranteed or not.
How is the validity of pseudoscience relevant to mint free toothpaste?
There are plants that cam see, so you are rightly afraid.
There is esoteric toothpaste that has no mint due to it blocking homeopathy. It is otherwise identical.
That’s some title gore. Thought he escaped at first.
You are not supposed to have relation between the words. This password is vulnerable to a dictionary attack. If you are not a high value target you should still be OK.
Itt: Use Linux Spam. This is not feasible for most users. Not all applicatopns are posted to Linux and some explicitly do not work. In particular for people that play games socially this just does not work. That being said they are unaffected by this change.
The games they Makro feature a message System which allows such messages. Namely Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Bloodborne