I gotta give that stuff a try again. Twice I’ve started Laundry Files and just couldn’t get into it, despite loving the context.
So they’re using the Thu’um?
X - The system is broken.
✅ - The system is working exactly as intended and must be destroyed.
Suck my InterLibraryLoan, Pearson.
But that’s not S E X Y! We need new research, to earn grants and subsidize faculty pay!
Played us like a damned FIDDLE!!!
Shit, this is how I feel talking about my unpublished research to my psych101 students…
Firefox is fucking with uBlock Origin, too? I was not aware.
Honestly, our IT peeps aren’t idiots. They’d probably agree with me. It’s admin who make the overall decisions. I might be able to swing “also Firefox” to be included when they inevitably update the repo.
So who do you use? Because I haven’t found a properly functional search engine in years.
Yeah, but google controls the money, so we don’t matter. Lol
TIL people use the play store for stuff besides just a rare update and apparently browse it…
I kinda have to at work. Our classroom computers reset between classes and Chrome is the only browser installed. I might ask IT about that, moving forward, given uBlock getting neutered soon.
Shhhhh!! The only people that know are the ones who read the source material
40% I sleep
60% real shit, I check.
90%+ they handed in the instructions and that whole page is flagged as absolutely plagiarised.
Pretty easy to determine breakpoints once you’ve taught the class before.
You have to remember… those headlines aren’t for you. They’re for the average idiot who isn’t even remotely interested in the scientific mumbo jumbo and allbthat highly technical gobbledygook. They want to be spoonfed a statement they can parrot to a co-worker and move on with their day being a terrible consumer of info.
That’s fine. Before I knew about the buyout, I wounder up with several broken or defective items, and finally had to reverse charges on a laptop power supply, because they were so bad to deal with.
Damn, this warranty is still in effect for a few more weeks, and the company’s gone…