Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzOxygen
    1 day ago

    Sol 3 is a Class-14 Deathworld on what used to be a thirteen-point scale until they found it.

    Not only is the planet very geothermally volatile with active volcanic systems AND feature violent and chaotic weather systems…

    “Earth” is the deepest gravity well they’ve ever witnessed chemical rocketry successfully achieve orbit from.

    The biosphere is teeming with pathogens, so much so that the sapient population’s own bodies rely on symbiotic microbial colonies in order to digest nutrients among other tasks.

    And the macroscopic fauna are ALMOST as scary as the microscopic stuff: every biome packed with highly adapted predators.

    At the top of this complex carnal carnival of carnivory, the “humans” who live there are unstoppable pursuit and persistence predators highly naturally gifted in ranged combat that historically used to just WALK their prey to death. The animals which ancient humans consumed could sprint to temporary safety, but humans will catch up, ALWAYS catch up, and the prey will still be tired when they have to sprint again. Eventually the fatigue outpaces them, and humans catch up for the last time. Just walk right up and bash them with a rock, they might not even have to throw it: dinner is ready!

    Furthermore, it’s not just the highly volatile oxygen that all the animals there breathe… Sol 3’s atmosphere also even contains a constant background presence of radon. The biosphere is passively resistant to some levels of radiation. One of the cities was consumed in the fallout cloud of an exploding nuclear fission reactor(they STILL use water to cool their municipal fission reactors even now!), and although the humans fled, the animals that stayed there are FLOURISHING. Deformed and mutated, but thriving.


  • as if the actual very guilty war criminals are even alive anymore…

    Their grandchildren and great grandchildren likely had no say in their heinous horrific crimes against our entire species, and punishing them for something they more likely than not either a) knew nothing about or b) knew with great shame isn’t exactly going to increase the amount of justice in the world.

    Imagine waking up tomorrow and finding out that one of YOUR great grandparents was an irredeemable monster and you were never told about it because there was nothing you could’ve done about it anyway, but overnight there’s now hundreds to thousands of people who want to drag you out of your home and lynch you in the street, all because you “committed” the “crime” of being born.

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlcontrarians
    2 months ago

    you can sense the change in air pressure as several walls of NUH-UH are rapidly approaching your position to explain in excruciating detail why and how the point you made wasn’t nearly as reasonable as you believed it had been. or just yell at you a lot >_>;

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlStay alert.
    2 months ago

    I think he should be saying “Hmm, no…?” Because “oh” is an interjection of surprise but “Hmm” is a murmur of premeditation. Also, the vibe of a hesitant question contrasts the excitement and assertive certainly of an exclamation point.

  • It’s interesting that every group of people, basically ever, has started a religion.

    One such example of a group of people who had NOT developed religiosity I’m aware of, interestingly, also did not develop mathematics or written language, because the capacity for abstraction which form the substrate that religions grow upon is ALSO a prerequisite for speculative concepts like symbolic meaning and set theory.

    I’m speaking of certain mostly out of contact tribes of humans.ã_people
    And even they, despite living with an exclusively direct observation empiricism-based worldview, are still susceptible to collective hallucination (though they don’t cultivate it into an organized system that will ever persist beyond those who directly experienced any given hallucinatory event).

  • This right here. If we didn’t have religion, practically the first thing we’d do is begin hallucinating about one. There’s a “religion”-shaped hole in every human brain, basically, even though things that we wouldn’t necessarily readily recognize as religious patterns could come to fill it, wholly or partially. Our pattern recognition/reconstruction and predictive modeling systems will always generate hallucinations that, like most heuristics, are fundamentally not reality but MAY nevertheless offer sufficient utility (or the feeling of utility) that the synaptic connections they comprise will end up self-reinforcing.

    The amount of vigilance it would take to continually purge these cognitive patterns would be more expensive and exhausting than most of the potential dangers of letting them exist.

    But it’s possible to mindfully decide to cultivate the features and aspects of what emergently congeals there such that it’s more likely to be harmless, such as certain hobbies, fandoms, habits, or ritual-esque behavioral patterns.

    Reflecting on our experiences against an anthropomorphized hypothetical observer to gain insights we would otherwise miss shows up even in places like computer programming - see “rubber duck debugging” - sufficiently strict religious sects would most certainly decry this activity as idolatry to a false god, even if YOU clearly do not classify a rubber ducky as a god. Because, again, the root of religiosity is group consensus of a socially shared memetic hallucination. what they perceive becomes a component of their beliefs even if it doesn’t become a component of yours.

    This leads me to often consider spirituality, magical thinking, ritualistic behaviors, and religiosity in general as a bridge between our animalistic impulses and instincts vs. our sapience, or whatever you might label “higher” cognitive functions that enable abstract decision differentiation.

  • I’m still rocking a Galaxy Note 9 from 2018. Somehow still performs surprisingly well, holds a charge for longer than 24 hours, and I just don’t feel like the phones that came after it really offer that much of an advantage technologically. I don’t have any app slowdown or latency issues, really. I’m not about to drop several hundred dollars upwards of a thousand to get a meager incremental gain AND lose my treasured headphone jack which I still use on a weekly basis. I loved the note 8 and prior to that owned a note 4. I’m not sure what I even want to settle for from where I am right now. I know it’ll never happen, but I still ardently wish that the note 9 would just get a refresh, all the same features and structures (including the headphone jack!!!) but with newer versions OF the GPU, the CPU, the RAM, the solid state storage, a 5g antenna… The cameras were fine. Don’t even need better cameras. Oh well…