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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • And tokens poured forth like mana from heaven, bringing games and tickets to the children, and there was bliss.

    Music came down from on high and a band formed from unlikely friends. Their songs filled the room with pizza and loud children.

    And in the middle of the malestrom, the music would start and together they cried out in terrible unison, “chucky. Chucky. CHUCKY.”

  • Thin things look nice in industrial design. It’s why phones stopped being chunky as soon as the battery packs could be scaled down. It’s why EV cars are in higher demand than EV trucks/UVs. Watches became a prestige product when they were thin enough to wear on a wrist instead of fitting in a pocket. Flashlights became a collectors hobby after they shrank down to be palm sized while retaining their brightness. Cameras became ubiquitous once they stopped needing a tripod and flash powder. Smaller things, thinner things, are more attractive to consumers.

  • It’s diminishing customer experience creep, except the company doesn’t understand what the user data means. They run A/B tests of different layouts, seeing what kind of feedback each gets to learn more about design choices and users. Each version should get its own feedback and then that data is compiled by data scientists into actionable feedback, things that can be done to improve the website in the direction the company thinks is an “improvement”.

    Twitter abandoned those data scientists with the initial layoffs. There is no one to tell them what works and what impacts the customer experience, which is why each time the internal question of “how do we open up for engagement?” they answer it the same way, “Use existing user bases by linking their account to Twitter.” The result is several login requests all looking for the same cookie.

    It’s lazy or inexperienced management. Knowing the type of person Elon hires, it’s probably both.