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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Yeah, good idea. This game take up a lot of time because it is amazing and there’s soooo much to do.

    If you like the dopamine hit from making something better, or fixing problems with a system, then you’ll love this game.

    I think there may also be a demo, but I don’t know if that works on the steam deck. That’s totally worth checking out, but set aside 4-8 hours for the first time you play it and I recommend setting an alarm to remind yourself to eat.

  • I think in their crazy world, the north pole is at the center of the earth disk and Antarctica is actually an ice wall around the perimeter that keeps the water on the disk. Therefore, Africa and Australia are on opposite sides of the disk (like left-right not heads-tails) or are near the out perimeter and no one would build a cable going across that long of a distance.

    If that makes your brain hurt because of the stupidity, that’s because it is. Flat earthers are only good as the target of a joke because we can all agree that it’s stupid. There are some entertaining videos on YouTube of people making fun of them, or of themselves proving themselves wrong.

  • Yeah, and stop having sex and listening to rock and role.

    That’s a solution that just isn’t going to work. We as a society need to plan for using more and more energy. Therefore, we need to create cleaner and cleaner ways to generate that energy. If solar can be implemented until we scale up fission, that’s great. We can then rely on fission for a few hundred years until we get to fusion.

    People will complain about the dangers of fission only while they ignore the dangers of fossil fuels and aren’t required to use them. As soon as fossil fuels start running out, then fission isn’t going to sound so bad. Frankly, it shouldn’t sound bad now.