Yo [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I ~never did and I think it’s a combination of various reasons:

    1. I’m kinda shy (internally I might use a more offensive language, but I might even censor that too). And the fact that I’m not using such language for so long makes it more awkward to use it now.

    2. In my family we probably use less vulgar laguange than the typical one, so I wasnt exposed that much on it (on the contrary, I was exposed to way more uncensored content on the internet and that may be why some vulgar phrases in English seem more natural/normal, while the same ones translated in Greek (my mother language) seem more offensive.

    3. Many times I find it unecessary. I think they’re better used when you’re angry and help you let some steam out, rather than using them in a calm conversation with friends for example (though when others people use them even on me in a friendly way I kinda seem to like it for some reason? I might think we’re close so they feel confident to talk to ke that way?)

    4. Maybe it’s just one of my quirks, lol. I might just do it, for not much reason.

    5. I find many (not all!) of the vulgar phrases to discriminate minorities and people in general. I really dont want to use such words. I dont want to cause harm to innocent people just because I got angry.

    I could probably think more if I spent more time thinking, hm

    Did the decision bring any change to your life ?

    As I said, I dont think I ever used such language, so I dont think there’s a change to talk about. Just some people might notice it and possibly comment about it (usually in good faith?)

    Do you feel the decision stopped you from expressing something at some point ?

    Kinda yes, sometimes I’m in a bad situation and kinda want to, but I dont want those conditions to “break” me. This might not make much sense tho.🤷

  • Well, I tried.

    I refused to use messenger for about 6years and I tried to bring people to signal (at least ~most of my family still uses it), but after changing environment and essentially doing a semi-fresh start, I realized I had to give up some (much) privacy to have any social life.

    I’d really like not to have such a dilemma, but I dont think I would go very far with ~zero social life (would probably have strong depression, no friends and possibly many other issues).🥲 Fb is ~forcing it to us.

    At least while I might have lost some privacy, I help others gain privacy (I help them use/find open source, privacy respecting alternatives to various programs).

    Also, Signal really didnt help me convince people use it by requesting a phone number… Its hard to convince people that dont care much about privacy and want ease of access to give their phone number to an unknown app (I know it’s not that big of a deal, but they dont know what I know and dont care much even if I explain it to them).

    PS. I’m still not making an insta account tho😅

  • all those talented female lyricists and R&B singers who got Thanos snapped out of existence in the late 90s because they didn’t want to sell sex

    I dont know much about 90s music😅, could you please share some of those lyricists and singers (or suggest any of their songs)? I’m interested in listening to some of their songs :)

    Kinda sad that I wasn’t much aware of this issue…

  • I think of all platforms, Webtoon maybe has the best voting system (and I don’t even have an account there, I saw it from a friend, lol):

    It doesn’t allow you to vote on your comments and it shows both upvotes and downvotes seperately.

    On the other hand, having the freedom to vote your comments seems nice too, so I’m not very sure which system is the best…😅

  • [Edit: It seems like I didnt read you reply properly… Hm, that would be an issue indeed😬…]

    Indeed, I think apathy is probably more of a right wing method. But as of now, those people will probably blame everyone but them about the current situtation and will probably not care enough for whatever happens on politics. If they are made to vote though, they might start caring. They might understand that their actions have consequences (it’s harder for people to realize that apathy has consequencies too, so an active stance may help them understand). And if they vote the wrong people (provided those people won’t irreversibly damage the country), they might eventually realize that they are wrong.

    Btw, I just remembered that here in Greece, at least, (I think) voting is both a right and an obligation by the law, but ~no governenment prosecutes any people who don’t vote (I’m not proposing to prosecute those people). So, we supposedly have a (bad) mechanism to “make” people vote, which isn’t used.

  • Sour cherry juice probably the most feequent. Though if there’s food, I’ll probably pick the food option.

    As for why, well, I don’t really go the bars for the drinks, but instead for the company, to talk with my friends and have fun. I buy a drink or food as “entrance fee” and I use the calories to keep me from starving. If there’s any fancy non-alcoholic/non-caffeinated drink (or food) I may pick it as a change. I also dislike alcohol and its culture which society tries to push so hard to everyone (especially younger people), thus it’s my way of acting agaist this. For me it doesnt taste well, it’s literary cancerous poison that helps mask social anxiety without solving the issue, only extending it and there are companies making huge profits by harming so many people out there. It’s sad. I want to be the one having fun, not alcohol. (Btw I’m not in favor of banning alcohol, this may only cause more issues. A proper approach would probably be to teach people for the issues and (possibly the hardest part) to have a better society without so many struggles which tend to push people to drink alcohol.)

    (I recently found out that there is a “straight edge” community inside punk community and I seem to kinda align with them :) (I’m not talking about the hardline community, I think this may not even be considered punk).)

    Lol, I don’t know if you expected a text-wall when asking this, but well, there you are.😅