Did they give Lindsay Graham a colonoscopy?
Did they give Lindsay Graham a colonoscopy?
I for one, salute their life long war against weed one blunt at a time.
It’s definitely off topic.
There’s no analogy, because windows users are not fleeing.
I read it as a “wish for people to get fed up with windows” comment, and not a “windows users are nazis” comment.
And the more corporate the organisation the more rules, at least the places I have worked trusts developers enough to give local admin, that takes the edge off many tasks.
I expect they compile it like this:
g++ HelloWorld.docx.cpp -o hello.exe
And they only managed to finish because of all the meds.
Sometimes you are forced to change the subject part way through a PhD, and this subject was already on the author’s mind.
I prefer the multi thread problems that can be solved using queues.
Speaking of the 80s I got a C64 and a friend let me copy a few 90 minute tapes with a bunch of games.
Wow multi-terabyte in minutes! There are not many ISPs delivering 100Gbps and even fewer are delivering 1000Gbps.
Unless you live on top of a data center.
Looks like it runs on Mac.
(Better repent and switch to Gimp on Arch /J)
The only way to be sure is to try both ways in Kerbal Space Program.
Okay the dictionary is wrong, do you have a better dictionary?
2pt… Had an important point: piracy = copyright infringement.
Blocking ads is a ToS violation, not piracy.
I understand your reasoning for calling ad-blocking for piracy, but I’m not sure I agree, or else we have to split “piracy” into degrees.
Rational Rose etc. could generate code from UML diagrams, then you “only” needed architects.
In reality it only gave a little help during the design phase, as soon as someone touches the generated code, you have to manually merge changes to UML.
They look like some teenager were too eager with the slider during character creation.
Are there any of them that are both?
I have done several D2 playthroughs, but end up stopping part way through the barbarian tundra chapter, it’s somewhat boring.
Now I listen to Diablo 2 soundtrack, when I miss the game, especially the wilderness music, it slaps!