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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Misinformation my ass. Your first statement of “there’s totally Christians in Palestine” disqualifies you as a reliable source of information to any sane person. You can’t live in a world where that statement is factual and my statement that there’s political representation of Muslims in the Israel is wrong. Also nice whataboutism, bringing up the 2nd Gulf War without addressing the very real issue in the first one. Look at pretty much any of the wars fought around Isreal and tell me there’s not at least half a dozen countries around it who’d nuke them out of existence if they could.

    I chose not to continue arguing your other points because I can see that you have a mild case of severe, self inflicted brain damage. The lefty racism of believing that only western people have agency and everyone else is just noble savages isn’t something I can take away.

    I can’t fix that. Go take a shower, it won’t hurt. Get some nice sleep. Talk to that girl. Unplug from the stream of misinformation, that is specifically crafted by ultra right Russian propaganda. It’s all going to be OK.