A general strike may be what it takes.

  • ImInLoveWithLife@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Obviously, there is quite a lot to develop here, but I’m curious about future communications between whoever set up the website and social media for this general strike and labor organizers or leaders like UAW’s Shawn Fain. I perused the website briefly and there seems to be, as of this moment, no mention of labor union involvement. Not that it’s required, but Fain has already called for a general strike in 2028. (Which I know, is quite awhile away.) I like organic uprisings and gladly, I will strike whenever the call is sounded. Hell I’ve been telling people we need a general strike for years. I just think that an endorsement or open discussion with popular known figures on board would do a lot to convince way more people that this isn’t a dream.

    There was so much fervor around the climate strike action in 2019, but ultimately, I fail to see much realization of change. I was a part of Occupy in 2011, and although I’m certain it and other actions bring an awareness and conversation that would have not materialized without it, it too is also pointed as the example of action having not met its goals, at least when I hear it referenced. I want a general strike that wins not just in spreading awareness, but also in material, legislative expediency.

    I hate to sound doubtful, I want this to happen. I don’t know exactly what I’m trying to say here except that I’d have liked to see a mention or acknowledgement by the initiators of this call to strike that labor unions are already thinking on these terms and that there is or will be an effort to include them, as their involvement will greatly increase our chances at success.

    I’m also open to hearing from anyone with a critique of my perspective, which is really born out of a cynicism and disillusionment with the world. I am often wrong about many many things. My heart is just, broken, man.