I’ve noticed that with time, my homelab is growing and with this comes complexity and time required to maintain. A big challenge is keeping on top of updates of firmware and key components (router and NAS, with pfsense and Truenas Scale respectively). What area people doing to ensure they keep on top of their homelab?

  • F04118F@feddit.nl
    2 months ago

    GitOps + Renovate

    Gives you:

    • automation of updates
    • smart notification of updates that are below a certain confidence that it won’t break stuff
    • rollback: simply git revert
    • the whole shebang

    Some stacks that work well with GitOps are:

    • k8s + Flux or ArgoCD
    • Nix(OS)

    Mixing them is a LOT of complexity though. Just pick whichever you are most comfortable with. If you want a declarative immutable OS just for running k8s, check Talos Linux.

    If you don’t want to deal with GitOps, Nix or k8s, and you don’t need recent versions, just run Debian and set a cronjob for auto updates. Then only deal with potential breaking changes just once every 5(?) years or thereabouts.

    • seang96@spgrn.com
      2 months ago

      I added renovate to my project over the weekend. I got 26 PRs for updating things I have missed, so it is working well for most part!

      The only issue I have with it are a few docker images come from docker hub and I am getting 429 response codes for pinning digests. Do you have any tips for renovate on this? Ideally I’d like it to just update and pin digests on the next update to avoid api hits.

      I am doing a regex datasource for most of them since my k8s resources are in yaml files and found right now it strips - alpine and such from the version tags… Haven’t looked into this issue too much yet though.

      • F04118F@feddit.nl
        2 months ago

        Honestly, k8s + GitOps at home is my project that I’m just starting this week. I found a community around it (on Discord 🤮) called Home Operations.

        Docker Hub sucks and is VERY strict with rate limits. Try ghcr.io or the aws container registry.

        • seang96@spgrn.com
          2 months ago

          Docker Hub is the bane of my existence lol. I updated every image I use that has github as alternative yesterday now giving time for my rate limiting to go down. Unfortunately still a few that are doxker hub only ironically including lemmy!