Major alternative? At 2.x% market share? You people are very delusional. By the way, the shitty market share is exclusively Mozilla’s fault, even if they’re always complaining about evil Google (while they take that sweet 500 M/years from that evil company and waste them on anything but fixing their shitty browser). Mozilla is ascummy/scammy company that should have died years ago. I’ll celebrate their fall.
Major alternative? At 2.x% market share? You people are very delusional. By the way, the shitty market share is exclusively Mozilla’s fault, even if they’re always complaining about evil Google (while they take that sweet 500 M/years from that evil company and waste them on anything but fixing their shitty browser). Mozilla is ascummy/scammy company that should have died years ago. I’ll celebrate their fall.
Of all the alternatives, it is the most major one.
(Except for Apple devices where Safari is an option).