Hello everyone
I recently upgraded my PC and I’m excited to explore new games that can take advantage of my improved hardware. Previously, my old PC was limited, and I had to be selective about the games I played. I also have a Steam Deck, but I’m looking for offline single-player experiences on my PC.
I’m looking for games that offer an unforgettable experience and high replay value. I enjoy open-world games that give me the freedom to explore, similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I know it’s not a PC game, but it gives you an idea of my playstyle.
Here are some games I’ve enjoyed in the past:
• The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - My favorite game, I love the freedom to explore without being bound to quests.
• Far Cry 3 - Great open-world experience that didn’t get boring.
• NieR: Automata - Engaging story, but it got a bit repetitive.
• Scarlet Nexus - Great story, high replay value, and a beautiful world, although it can be repetitive.
• ULTRAKILL - Challenging and high replay value.
• Portal 2 - High replay value.
• Portal 1 - Enjoyed it, but didn’t love it.
• Subnautica - Absolutely loved it.
• The Witcher 3 - Didn’t enjoy it, but I’m giving it another try soon.
• Doom Eternal - Liked it.
• Horizon Zero Dawn - It’s an average game, with a mid-story and a beautiful world.
For me, a good story is often the top priority, but I also enjoy games like Breath of the Wild where I can relax and play without thinking too hard.
If you’re curious about my specs, here they are:
New PC:
• CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core
• GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX
• RAM: 64GB DDR5 Memory
Old PC: • GPU: AMD Radeon RX 480 4GB
• CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K @ 3.50GHz
• RAM: 4GB DDR3 Memory
I’d appreciate any game recommendations that fit my preferences.
Edit: Thanks already for the recommendations, I might also add, that I love the Halo games. Except the newer ones.
You might want to check out Red Dead Redemption 2 in story mode. The graphics and physics are pretty incredible. It’s a little old now, but I think it still holds up well, especially if you like the “old west cowboy” aesthetic.
Thanks for the suggestion. Might be a hot take, but what I dislike about Red Dead Redemption 2 and also Horizon Zero Dawn is that it is like a movie. Just a cutscene after another and I feel like that you aren’t really free in RDR2. But I didn’t play it so it might be better than expected!
fwiw I felt that RDR2 gives you an incredible amount of freedom. You can do so much even outside the main story. You can spend hours just traveling through the world and discovering things, helping / robbing people, hunting, etc. It’s the best game I’ve ever played and even after finishing the main story, there’s still lots to do out in the open world. The main story is usually done with cutscenes, yes, but it usually let’s you do the “active” parts yourself. Just the atmosphere of the game alone is absolutely worth it.
I’ve played both and horizon definitely gives that feeling but red dead does not, as it has many more cool things to immerse you in
Tell Me Why is the same thing as well, just so you know.
That’s why I deslike that game (I’m NOT being homophobic, however having a game similar to the Telltales ones would have been a better idea)
Baldurs Gate 3 seems like a no brainer
Not open world at all. As a fan of all the games OP mentioned, I give Baldur’s Gate 3 a pretty low score due to its linear physical world.
OP said story was their main priority.
They did indeed say that was often their priority. Is for me too. And you’re right, it has a decent story for sure, and replay value for that matter given how easily you can change the story radically.
For real. It took me a minute to get into it but once I understood how to play it really blew me away. Excellent story, great art, fun tactical fighting.
Red Dead Redemption 2 will probably hit all the nerves. Open beautiful world that still hasn’t been matched by another game.
The Spider-Man games are also great and Spider-Man 2 is just around the corner.
And Path of Exile 2 is currently all the rage even though it’s still in early access.
And when you still have time you can play Baldur’s Gate 3, first game to win Game of the Year in all contests.
Thanks for the recommendations.
Spiderman does look interesting, but I don’t know. I guess I’m searching for another Zelda:BotW. Which isn’t Tears of the Kingdom. I really like that game, since it’s the only one where I am free, not bound to some quests or something. I can go anywhere I would like in every order I want to and so on. I just think that the Spiderman Games aren’t as freeing.
Path of Exile 2 looks fascinating, since I haven’t really played a good Dungeon Crawler in a long time.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is definitely on my list, but I think to understand it properly I need lots of time, so I will put that aside for now.
I guess I’m searching for another Zelda:BotW. Which isn’t Tears of the Kingdom.
I’m confused by this. TotK is very much just BotW but with more. The construction mechanism is really fun, the three overlapping maps are cool, it’s a good time. You get to see how the world of BotW has changed in the intervening time, and being able to make hover cycles to fly around the world is awesome.
TotK isn’t as freeing. At my first blind playthrough, I casually went for the wind temple just to find out that you need a quest to go there and have a bird NPC character to always follow you that is just in your way, but you need it to complete the game and advance. In BotW. I could just head for Vah Medoh, complete it and then head to the gerudo village.
Edit: The underground is just really empty, and the sky has a few islands, which is kind of disappointing since I’ve waited at least 5 years for the sequel.
Have you played Minecraft? It’s kind of traditional to build a powerful PC and then just use it to run Minecraft. It’s the ultimate sandbox. Theoretically there’s an endgame with defeating the Ender Dragon. But you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.
If you want something more mature ARK: Survival Evolved might be your jam.
Outer wilds
outer wilds outer wilds outer wilds
Remember outer WILDS, which is distinct from outer WORLDS.
Outer wilds does sound like a really fun game. Thanks.
Outer Wilds is an unforgettable experience, but has very low replayability. Everything is knowledge based, and playing the game means figuring everything out for the first time (so be sure not to look anything up).
But it’s all exploration, it has an excellent story, and I would recommend it to anyone.
Someone else has said Baldurs Gate 3, and I second that. Great game.
Not sure if automation/building is exactly your tastes, but satisfactory is a good one.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is, as someone already stated, I think a huge investment. I think it isn’t a Game where I can just go and play, but I think it is more like a game I need to actively think and have more than two hours to get back in. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Satisfactory is awesome, but since the 4th Update or so it has become too advanced for me.
But thanks for the recommendations
As a huge baulders gate fan that has finished the game about 5 times, I would say that’s a mostly correct characterization. If you play on the easiest settings, then yeah you can totally drop in and out while enjoying the story. But anything beyond that will need either some tactical planning or doing research on best builds.
You can save wherever you want but ya, it is a game you would want to play consistently. Like taking a month break would be tough. But that’s how most 1 player story games are, to me at least.
None of the one suggested.
endless sky
Outer wilds if you enjoyed subnautica’s sense of wonder and exploration. Not replayable but a unique once in a lifetime experience.
Helldivers 2 if you enjoy halo firefight and it’s expansive sandbox. Very replayable.
Teardown is very replayable and will run great on your rig.
Curious why you went for 64gb of ram instead of 32, because the extra dosh could have gone to a better gpu. Always use the extra on the gpu or monitor.
Thanks for the suggestions. I already own Helldivers 2, and it is great, but I would like something more single-player since my friends aren’t online all the time and playing with strangers is just half the fun.
Teardown does look really promising. Especially that it’s literary, a game where you can just blow up anything!
I went for 64GB because I wanted my RIG to be future-proof. I chose an AMD GPU, because I use Linux (of course on Lemmy ;)), it’s also a Statement to choose AMD over Nvidia because of the outrageous pricing. Honestly, any newer GPU is an upgrade in perspective to my old pc.
Seconded for Helldivers 2! Play it with the in game music off and with the halo music instead. Wayyy more epic
Just played through it, nice and cute little game. Thanks.
The new Indiana Jones is great
Mass Effect legendary edition.
Isn’t the remastered edition the version who all hate because of the launch with the huge bugs and other errors? Also, since it is from EA, does it like have unnecessarily Micro transactions built in? Apart from that it looks really promising, thanks for the suggestion.
You’d probably enjoy cyberpunk 2077
I finished it a few months ago and their launch did the game dirty. Absolutely gorgeous game with a compelling interesting story. Big time recommend!
And then after you get wore out on factorio, you can try factorio mods. Between the two it should hold you over for forever.
It ain’t called Cracktorio for nuthin’!
Prey (2017). Good FPS gameplay with RPG mechanics, incredibly detailed semi-open world, emphasizes exploration and player freedom.
Watch Dogs 2. Above average for an Ubisoft game. Great open world that emphasizes player freedom.
Honorable mentions that you’ve probably already considered: Cyberpunk 2077, Control, Alan Wake 2
Prey looks great, and I think I will like it very much. Judging from the Steam review’s it’s very versatile which I like.
Watch Dogs 2 Also looks very cool. The story peek from the Trailers looks like it matches with my overall interests. The trailer really hooked me, but I’m still looking through other suggestions, thanks.
I have bought Cyberpunk right after Release, but then after watching some reviews, it just waited in my Drawer (physical copy). Because of that mishap from CD Projekt Red, I’m a little hesitant on that. I know that the patch is out, but I somehow not ready to play it yet.
Control seems promising, but I feel like the story is Whack. Guessing by the name, it seems like I can control everything, so that has some appeal.
Alan Wake 2 seems interesting, but not as compelling as Prey or Watch Dogs 2.
A few years ago I got into this weird russian game about gravity and detonating sideways nukes above ground.
The storyline is a bit complex, but essentially its about a resource-based society trying to build colorful apartment complexes to house it’s population, but the government keeps bombing the developments anytime an even stretch is built.
To get around this, the player has to grab these incomplete apartments as they’re dropped by helicopter from the sky and position them into interesting structures that can’t legally be called apartments, thus saving them from detonation.
There’s a romance angle too, where the apartment bomber convinces the player to build multi-storey apartments at the last minute, thus allowing the govt worker to deploy his vast arsenal at a profit and split the proceeds with the player 50:50.
Its a pretty intense game, and I can still hear the chilling screams of those occupants to the tune of that haunting russian folk song.
This sounds weird but super intriguing. Do you remember the name?
It began with a T, I think, and I believe it rhymed with “stretches”
Omg 🤦🏼♀️
Good job on the creative backstory! This was like the pac man episode of secret level!
You’ve got a nice new pc and if you want to play something like BOTW, you might enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2. BOTW was also my favorite game of all time until i played rdr2. RDR has similiar mechanics to breath of the wild, like hunting, but the whole world is just so lively, immersive, and beautiful. I can’t think of a single issue with the game, it’s a true 10/10, can’t praise it enough.
I also recommend any other rockstar game, specifically gta v and max payne 3, they are both great as well.
If you want an FPS experience, play the original call of duty modern warfare games first, MW2019 next, then black ops 1-3+cold war+6. I wouldn’t recommend new mw2 or 3.
I’ll also say the Metro games are great, they are like post-apocalyptic COD with a great story and nice gameplay. Super underrated series.
Edit: I have a specific taste for shooter games, so I’d suggest you read other comments if you are into other genres.
Uhh disagree with RDR2. There was an issue where I couldn’t see the game very well due to tears in my eyes. They really have to patch that out.
I haven’t even finished RDR2 yet, I got to the epilogue but then quit. I’ll finish it someday soon.
You gotta at least get to the house song!!
I will, at some point.
As I said in other comments, I think RDR2 won’t be a game I will play in a long time, since it seems to me that it is like a movie, not really a Game.
GTA V isn’t really a game I like. It’s somewhat boring for me, since you can do almost anything.
The Call of Duty Games look cool, but I’m unsure about the whole franchise. I think it could be excellent, but the whole franchise is somehow unsympathetic for me.
I’m currently looking at the tags of Metro Exodus, which has been on my list for a long time, and I’ve noticed that it has the “horror” tag. Are the horror elements a key part of the game like Jump scares or anything like that? I don’t like being scared, but if it’s not a key part, I might consider it.
Thanks for your Recommendations.