What companies are currently creating #ESPHome devices that you have bought and used? @homeassistant #homeassistant
Apollo Automation (https://apolloautomation.com/)
Elevated Sensors (https://www.elevatedsensors.com/)
What companies are currently creating #ESPHome devices that you have bought and used? @homeassistant #homeassistant
Apollo Automation (https://apolloautomation.com/)
Elevated Sensors (https://www.elevatedsensors.com/)
Those seems nice products, but wow, they cost quite a lot!
Most of these products are made by individual entrepreneurs or small businesses. They don’t have economies of scale, so each product is hand made, which makes things more expensive.
Oh, I didn’t know, thanks for the information.
If you’re more into making your own circuit boards, there’s a project that provides open schematics for RatGDO that uses the same ESPhome firmware.
JLCPCB had a sale on PCB assembly and I was able to order 5 boards assembled and ready to go for about $25. I already had the ESP microcontrollers, just had to add three wires, flash the controller, and solder it to the board.
It unlocked so much more control over the MyQ integration. It actually showed me how much of a joke the MyQ app is considering how much more can be done with $10 worth of parts and code that random people on the internet made.