It is a sad fact that raging against the tipping system by not tipping is only making the lives of tipped workers more miserable under the current system.
You aren’t proving a point or changing anything when you stiff your bartender/server, you are only guaranteed lesser service should you choose to return to the place.
The system sucks, but not tipping isn’t solving anything. Voting and political action are needed to change the current state of affairs.
Or, vote with your wallet, buy a bottle of liquor, and drink at home.
It is a sad fact that raging against the tipping system by not tipping is only making the lives of tipped workers more miserable under the current system.
You aren’t proving a point or changing anything when you stiff your bartender/server, you are only guaranteed lesser service should you choose to return to the place.
The system sucks, but not tipping isn’t solving anything. Voting and political action are needed to change the current state of affairs.
Or, vote with your wallet, buy a bottle of liquor, and drink at home.
If enough people do it, workers would ideally not accept the low salary anymore and demand more to take the job.