Nothing is ever a generation’s fault. There are and were good and bad among every generation. Some had luck buying into housing or business at just the right moment that value went up
Boomers, X, and older Millennials all had more luck than younger Millennials; at least the Millennials and later had recognition of autism and ADHD.
My autistic friends weren’t diagnosed until their 40s, some had to work it out out on their own after the internet became popular
I’m all for ragging on the boomers for the shitstorm of cruelty, greed, and ignorance they’ve made.
But this is just another era’s assorted cables drawer. You might need to rig something 🤷
Nothing is ever a generation’s fault. There are and were good and bad among every generation. Some had luck buying into housing or business at just the right moment that value went up
Boomers, X, and older Millennials all had more luck than younger Millennials; at least the Millennials and later had recognition of autism and ADHD.
My autistic friends weren’t diagnosed until their 40s, some had to work it out out on their own after the internet became popular
– a xennial
You don’t have an assorted cables drawer? I mean mine is a bucket in a cabinet but same thing really.