If you’re well organized your autistic, if not, you are ADHD. If you fall in the middle, you are both.
I know I’m old man shouting at clouds but it seems like social media is completely focused on classifying. It seems silly. It’s like Meyers Briggs personality tests.
My favorite thing and I’ve mentioned before, ADHD is like peeing, we all pee, but when it hurts to pee or you’re peeing 50 times a day or it’s causing negative impact in your life, you go see a doctor
Yeah it gives me superpowers like once every few months where for a day or 5 I get a ridiculous amount of work done. The rest of my existence is miserable and I hate myself for not just my lack of work productivity but also how hard it is to get myself to exercise, brush teeth, or just get out of bed. And not a single healthy routine sticks. Only the unhealthy ones. Why is it so easy to pick up smoking again but so hard to do anything that’s good for me?
I mean for me both works (Ritalin just is a lot shorter and more up and downs, generally less effective).
Though, I’m indeed prescribed Elvanse it’s basically the hyperfocus drug IME (YMMV).
I’m really productive with it (I’m a passionate programmer, which probably helps), but sometimes well a little bit too productive (burning through complex problems for > 10 hours the day, sometimes completely ignoring other stuff I should be doing as well, and am somewhat exhausted after somehow escaping that hyperfocus, or finishing the issue).
As I got “smarter” through it and like a learn a lot, I’ll just accept this as a net-positive effect, I have to deal with.
But I have more control over what I’m hyperfocusing at (as I’m less likely bored and distacted), and try to “focus” this on issues that deserve this hyperfocus.
It is beyond exhausting. Nobody takes my serious neurological disorder seriously. I’m nearly thirty and only now I’m starting to get the medical help I would have needed 20, 25 years ago. To think what could have been breaks my heart.
I got diagnosed last year. I’m 41. My entire life would have been very different. In fact, I believe I was diagnosed as a child but my mom never did anything about it or told me.
Anyway, I can tell that even my wife of ten years thinks I’m exaggerating or trying to make excuses.
For me I was actually diagnosed with just dyspraxia as a child and it was considered severe enough to have some support needs, recently my mum told me that the educational psychologist said I probably had symptoms of both autism and ADHD but I was never put in front of a psychiatrist who could diagnose that stuff.
Of course this was also back when the DSM had the mutually exclusive diagnostic criteria so who knows what they would have labelled me with in the end. I think the apparently ADHD symptoms bother me more and seem more treatable so I’ve gone in for a referral for that at least. Only 6 months to go 🙃
Can confirm. Everything on top of my desk has a specific spot and orientation but anything additional, like important papers placed onto it will disappear from the physical nature of reality and my memory in a very short yet unknown amount of time
I am certified both. Also this is why the term neurodiversity is so much better. Overlap is quite common.
My joke in my household is that no clean flat surfaces can exist.
My medicated ADHD ass is still plenty messy, but my non-medicated wife will put any item down in any place when she’s done with it or it’s in her way. Then it disappears from existence for an hour or a month or so. Unless it’s outside or in a room we don’t use daily… then the possible range expands a lot.
If you’re well organized your autistic, if not, you are ADHD. If you fall in the middle, you are both.
I know I’m old man shouting at clouds but it seems like social media is completely focused on classifying. It seems silly. It’s like Meyers Briggs personality tests.
The big problem with ADHD is that every human will experience the symptoms at some point in life.
Every ADHD meme is relatable to pretty much everyone, but they don’t understand what it is for those symptoms to basically be your whole existence.
My favorite thing and I’ve mentioned before, ADHD is like peeing, we all pee, but when it hurts to pee or you’re peeing 50 times a day or it’s causing negative impact in your life, you go see a doctor
The adhd gives you superpowers memes always makes me want to strangle someone.
Yeah it gives me superpowers like once every few months where for a day or 5 I get a ridiculous amount of work done. The rest of my existence is miserable and I hate myself for not just my lack of work productivity but also how hard it is to get myself to exercise, brush teeth, or just get out of bed. And not a single healthy routine sticks. Only the unhealthy ones. Why is it so easy to pick up smoking again but so hard to do anything that’s good for me?
Smoking gives you a sense of doing something while doing nothing. And it’s great. I’ve read that 90% of schizophrenics smoke.
Yeah, I hate how great it is…
Have you tried meds (stims specifically) ? That significantly increased my productive hyperfocus phases.
Methylphenidate doesn’t help a whole lot, I still have little control over what I hyperfocus on. It’s better then nothing though.
I should try Elvanse (Vyanse), maybe that’s more useful. Need to actually get it prescribed first though.
I mean for me both works (Ritalin just is a lot shorter and more up and downs, generally less effective).
Though, I’m indeed prescribed Elvanse it’s basically the hyperfocus drug IME (YMMV).
I’m really productive with it (I’m a passionate programmer, which probably helps), but sometimes well a little bit too productive (burning through complex problems for > 10 hours the day, sometimes completely ignoring other stuff I should be doing as well, and am somewhat exhausted after somehow escaping that hyperfocus, or finishing the issue). As I got “smarter” through it and like a learn a lot, I’ll just accept this as a net-positive effect, I have to deal with.
But I have more control over what I’m hyperfocusing at (as I’m less likely bored and distacted), and try to “focus” this on issues that deserve this hyperfocus.
It is beyond exhausting. Nobody takes my serious neurological disorder seriously. I’m nearly thirty and only now I’m starting to get the medical help I would have needed 20, 25 years ago. To think what could have been breaks my heart.
I got diagnosed last year. I’m 41. My entire life would have been very different. In fact, I believe I was diagnosed as a child but my mom never did anything about it or told me.
Anyway, I can tell that even my wife of ten years thinks I’m exaggerating or trying to make excuses.
For me I was actually diagnosed with just dyspraxia as a child and it was considered severe enough to have some support needs, recently my mum told me that the educational psychologist said I probably had symptoms of both autism and ADHD but I was never put in front of a psychiatrist who could diagnose that stuff.
Of course this was also back when the DSM had the mutually exclusive diagnostic criteria so who knows what they would have labelled me with in the end. I think the apparently ADHD symptoms bother me more and seem more treatable so I’ve gone in for a referral for that at least. Only 6 months to go 🙃
Can confirm. Everything on top of my desk has a specific spot and orientation but anything additional, like important papers placed onto it will disappear from the physical nature of reality and my memory in a very short yet unknown amount of time
I am certified both. Also this is why the term neurodiversity is so much better. Overlap is quite common.
what do you think of the term AuDHD for Au(tism) + (A)DHD
That’s the term the community uses
My joke in my household is that no clean flat surfaces can exist.
My medicated ADHD ass is still plenty messy, but my non-medicated wife will put any item down in any place when she’s done with it or it’s in her way. Then it disappears from existence for an hour or a month or so. Unless it’s outside or in a room we don’t use daily… then the possible range expands a lot.
And yet, despite people saying what you say, I still struggle far more than neurotypical people and they can’t understand why
I am diagnosed with both, and do relate to social media posts regarding the combination of both
Oh sure it can be a problem. My issue is with the endless videos that do nothing but categorize and diagnose.
It’s like what if there were endless videos about, “10 signs you are bad at math.”