She is an HIV prevention researcher!
Don’t fuck with old hippies. Half of them have been on the front line of protest action since the 60s, and the other half are Vietnam vets. They will kick your ass.
this woman is an HIV researcher, which I think is a step or two harder than ‘old hippie’.
Given her age, it’s reasonable to assume she didn’t just become an AIDS researcher in 2015 and finish out her carreer or whatever. this woman has already been on the front lines of a genocide. remember, there wasn’t initially funding for HIV research, so this woman has done the not-evil version of “fuck the rules, im doing science.” on people she probably had to have human relationships with, who were probably in-on-it and absolutely comrades, and watched a statistically significant (because it needed to be, for the results to be useful, and that was the whole point) number of them die, possibly while knowing everything she and the rest of her team/org/whatever were doing was an incredible long shot.
If she’s a Berkeley professor, and can pull a head slam like that at 70+ years old, I’d say odds are 80% hippie vs maybe 20% mid 70s punk. Tell me she wouldn’t look right at home at a Grateful Dead concert, or rockin out to the Clash for that matter.
Plus, everyone who’s been to college knows that hippies make the best professors.
Not only that, I’d bet top dollar that the nazi twat has dismantled funding for the research she been fighting for her entire career.
Guy’s lucky it didn’t take a proctologist with an electrician license to retrieve the stun gun.
what a legend
How do you get so many traffic tickets? 16k ? </s>
Dedication and years of constant effort.
I hope she has a PhD in traffic violations cause she’s definitely got a PhD in “Don’t Fuck With Me.”
Love the way that middle-aged woman took down that basement-dwelling neckbeard incel piece of trash.
She’s never going to be able to wash the stink off though.
She’s 66, she’s a senior citizen.
I’d prefer we extend “middle age” out to 70. Signed, 54-yo dude.
May she live to 132.
This Rick Fuze is possibly the most pathetic creature I have ever heard of.
I can’t remember ever hearing of or witnessing anything quite this pointlessly mean spirited, weak, stupid, and regrettable.
I mean, when you attack a senior citizen, the best outcome as far as I’m concerned is obviously that the attacker loses. But for it to have actually happened, and in circumstances like this? Absolutely incredible.
Dude has a weapon and threatened people with it and cops were like “Alllrighty mister, unfortunstely Im going to have to ask you to come with us”. Why were they so gent…
Ohhh yeah
To me, Kyle Rittenhouse trial has to be the most American thing ever, grabbing your assault rifle and heading into a heated situation for no reason whatsoever than that predictably resulting in a death and getting off scott free, that’s something that can only happen in the USA
Everything that led up to the killings was fucking heinous, but in the end, a jury of his peers saw the video evidence and deemed it self defense. I’ve watched the videos and I agree.
“He shouldn’t have been there.”, isn’t a legal doctrine. Still, I’m surprised the prosecutor couldn’t have found some angle there. Isn’t there some, “looking for a fight” idea?
If I go down to my MAGA neighbor’s house, kick on his door, talk shit (non-physically threatening shit) and he attacks me, I wouldn’t feel too safe shooting him. IANAL, but I know the prosecutors were, so I have to bow to their professional judgement.
And whatever happened to his mom or uncle or whoever buying him a gun? I know it was across state lines, but still, the purchase in itself was legal, and you can certainly gift a gun. There was a law clearly broken there, I think Rittenhouse being underage in that state for that weapon? Why wasn’t the purchaser hung from the fucking rafters?!
What is perhaps more heinous is that the little fucker is able to milk his notoriety. He should be shunned by both the anti-gun and pro-gun crowd, no one should give two shits to hear him speak. (He is shunned among liberal gun nuts like me.)
I’ve heard the Poet say that sometimes ‘the very people who work in the forces are by happenstance the very same whomst’re burning crosses’ (citing from memory)
They’re getting better, they didn’t buy him lunch on the way back
Neck beards and maga…like pb&j.
Do you think that she never wished AIDS on anybody in her life, and this time she was like, “I hope you get AIDS”?
Ohh! Research citations!
For some reason I read that as police citations and was wondering how the hell she got so dangerously based.There has to be a scientometric for this
Same here. I read it as: This lady has had 16,000 traffic citations and the driving gods miss selected “kill” in the drop down list when choosing her punishment and accidentally gave her Kung fu superpowers.
Worry not: soon the American authorities will treat the former pretty much the same as the latter.
The way the post title is worded totally leads here. She’s presented as “the woman kicking the guys ass” - and what kind of citations do you get for kicking ass?
Either way incredibly based.
Here in Murica citations are akin to martial arts belts.
Spoiler: They arent.
Naw they’re like those stripes on a soldier’s uniform
Must be American
She probably flipped off a Tesla factory and got cited for each vehicle
The moral dilemma of not doxing someone vs celebrating them…
Very good consideration. She did publicly acknowledge it on BlueSky, so I’ll take that as permission.
She’s medically trained, so she knows where to hit him. In addition, there’s a lack of barrier to entering the physical space of strangers and physically touching them just in general. That barrier almost doesn’t exist for medical. The rest of the world, middle of the bell curve, hesitates.
And if she’s done direct patient care at any point in her career, there’s a good chance she has no patience left for shenanigans.
In this paper, we present a novel approach to kick some nazi ass using a large broomstick from a car window.
He got off easy. He was this close to having a copy of “Braunwald’s Heart Diease” slammed right onto his left ventricle. Watch out for that 11th edition. It’s a doozy.
Other blunt instruments may have similar success; experimental research is ongoing.
More studies are required before we come to any certain conclusions. We require concrete evidence…and rebar evidence…maybe carbon fiber evidence…or…
16 THOUSAND citations.
She’s approximately 260 times more successful than me, AND kicked this guy’s ass. Fucking hell, I’m so envious right now.
Her citations would make for great data is beautiful posts I bet.
It’s okay, you can even those numbers out by beating up more fascists!
1 fascist beating ~= 10 citations.
Get to it, bud!
Skill issue?
I think she was going for the ear twist.
Doctor of medicine, so there’s a greater than zero chance she knows exactly where to hit him. Good on her, though - people need to take a stand.