OneNote for Windows 10 will lose support on October 14, 2025. Users are urged to switch to OneNote on Microsoft 365 as soon as possible. A delayed switchover can lead to slower synchronization and regular notifications from Microsoft.
OneNote for Windows 10 will lose support on October 14, 2025. Users are urged to switch to OneNote on Microsoft 365 as soon as possible. A delayed switchover can lead to slower synchronization and regular notifications from Microsoft.
I loved OneNote as a student. It still is pretty unmatched if you want to take pen enabled notes IMO. I would download lecture slides and annotate them, also recording the prof. So I could highlight my annotations later and see what the professor said! Pretty slick and haven’t found anything comparable since. But I don’t need this kind of use case as much anymore and have moved to Joplin
My first thought reading this was, “Why does moving to Joplin, MO have anything to do with note-taking?”
It’s a great open source note app! I’ve been using it a couple years and like it a lot
i’ve had a it of trouble figuring out how to move my stuff over and still can’t. do you know how?
I didn’t attempt to import my onenote notes to Joplin, since they were old class notes and handwritten, which Joplin doesn’t handle that well yet (though they do have a new drawing capability). Googling around, it looked like there are some tools, and some that they’re actively working on