Part of the reason is the failure of our school systems to teach the history of Canadian resistance to U.S. threats, incursions and trade sanctions.
Part of the reason is the failure of our school systems to teach the history of Canadian resistance to U.S. threats, incursions and trade sanctions.
I would count it as certain fact that every single society that’s ever hit any sort of national identity crisis point has spawned commentary from people insisting that the “problem” is that young people are no longer being indoctrinated with some set of ideas with which they used to be indoctrinated (and with which the commenter personally agrees), and that that has made it so that they can be and are instead indoctrinated with some other set of ideas (which the commenter personally opposes) instead.
I would say that the rather obvious problem is indoctrination in and of itself, though unfortunately the solution to that problem is almost certainly more evolutionary than societal, and it’s going to take at least one and likely a few more mass die-off events before humanity will have any hope of beating it.
For whatever any of that’s worth, to those of us on the wrong side of that event.