It hasn’t been safe to travel with a phone or laptop since at least the post 9/11 changes to travel rules, at least not into or out of the US and other oppressive regimes that spy on your phone on the border.
I’ve been to the US twice since 9/11 and neither time was I asked for my phone. Not to say it didn’t happen before now. It happens in many countries if they decide they have even a tiny bit of suspicion.
But, frankly right now I would not travel to the USA for any reason.
It hasn’t been safe to travel with a phone or laptop since at least the post 9/11 changes to travel rules, at least not into or out of the US and other oppressive regimes that spy on your phone on the border.
I’ve been to the US twice since 9/11 and neither time was I asked for my phone. Not to say it didn’t happen before now. It happens in many countries if they decide they have even a tiny bit of suspicion.
But, frankly right now I would not travel to the USA for any reason.