So… Imagine I want to buy a car, but I find out it’s an incredibly unsafe car through listening to the user experiences of people who’ve had issues with it… But my opinion is invalid because I haven’t bought the car?
I have another one for you; your opinion is invalid because you’re a fanboy. Game is trash and you’re too stupid to see it.
Cars have ncaap ratings from qualified professionals who actually crash test them and publish the results, maybe listen to them instead when buying a car.
It’s a failure because it’s trash. The game is honestly laughably bad.
So I wonder where all the players come from.
Did you play it?
I don’t spend money so loosely like that. Ubisoft is no longer trustworthy, so no.
Instead, I watched gameplay from it, which tells me everything I need to know. Helps with avoiding wasting money on mediocre AAAA releases.
Right so you didnt play it though, therefore your opinion is largely worthless tbf
So… Imagine I want to buy a car, but I find out it’s an incredibly unsafe car through listening to the user experiences of people who’ve had issues with it… But my opinion is invalid because I haven’t bought the car?
I have another one for you; your opinion is invalid because you’re a fanboy. Game is trash and you’re too stupid to see it.
Cars have ncaap ratings from qualified professionals who actually crash test them and publish the results, maybe listen to them instead when buying a car.
Yes. My point. Thank you for proving it.
I dont think random journalist and youtubers coint since its art not a machine but you do you
Ubisoft games aren’t art. They’re products. They’ve made that clear years ago. But hey, if you enjoy being nothing more than a consumer, you do you.
Hard for me to argue, as I never liked any Assassin Creed video game, lol.
Just reporting on what seems to be said in my circle.